


Children's gospel talk - A cup of Cold water in Christ's name



Children's Sermon or Sunday School lesson - Serving others  


Object lesson idea: Small acts of kindness are important. - Show objects representative of big ways of helping others. Compare this to a simple cup of cold water and explain that even doing small things (such as giving a cup of water in the name of Jesus) are still very important to others and to God.
Objects: Some suggestions: Doctors stethoscope, Tool Box, Scientists microscope, Firefighters hat, etc.

Children’s object lesson: Mark 9:38-50 Trinity 16

Good Morning Children. This morning I’m thinking about some important ways for serving others and doing the sort things that would honour/ bless God. Do you know what this is? Yes, it’s a microscope. Scientist often use microscopes. I would love to be a scientist and find a cure for cancer or some other disease that hurts people. Do you know what this thing is? Yes, it’s called a stethoscope. Doctors and nurses us it to check up on people who have some illness. I would love to be a doctor and help people get better all over the world. Look at this here. It’s a tool box. What good things could a carpenter build? Those are good ideas. I would like to build a big school in a place where children had no school to go to. What else could we build that would help people?
We’ve have talked about some great ways of serving God and serving others. Maybe some day you will be a doctor or a scientist or a builder / carpenter. However, in the bible reading we have today Jesus said that even the small things we do for one another are important. Look at this glass of water. Jesus said that even if we “give a cup of water” to someone in need it’s important (and God will reward us). (Read out the text from Mark 9) Helping others in small way is still very important. God notices all the very small things we do for others. He even promises that in some way we will be rewarded.
Children’s Prayer -Serving others: Dear God. I pray that someday these children will help make big changes in the world. But I thank you that even when we are young we can still do important things that help others.
Help us, through your Holy Spirit, to do those small things that will bless others and bless you as well. In Jesus’ name. Amen!

Copyright 2009 Andrew Hewlett  Feel free to use this lesson on Sunday morning but please give credit to and consider linking to this site.  Thank you.  A.H.
cup of water Jesus name


Children's Story on Jesus the bread of Life

Object Lesson for Sunday School or Children's Church: John 6:24-35        Bread of Life

Children's Sermon Idea: Jesus is the bread of life.
Objects needed: Staff of bread or bread buns, several random household items.
Something to symbolize Jesus (Picture of Jesus or a cross)
Basic idea: Show the children that there is a “stomach” hunger that food can satisfy but there is also a “life” hunger that only Jesus (the bread of life) can satisfy.
Full Story: Good morning Children! This morning I want you to imagine that you are really hungry. Imagine that you haven’t had any food for two days. What would that be like? How would your stomach feel? I’m going to show you some things and I want you to respond by all saying YES and nodding, or all saying NO and shaking your head. Ready? Here we go. Now, what if I gave you this (pull out an object – a wrench). Would that help you? No it wouldn’t. What about this (pull out another object – a hat). Would this satisfy you? No! It wouldn’t. (Continue on with some toys or other objects). Then pull out the bread. What about this bread? YES! You’re right! When we are hungry in our stomachs we need food, like this bread. Only food will satisfy that type of  hunger.
This morning children I want to tell you about another type of hunger. It is a hunger for LIFE – a hunger for meaning, for peace, for love. This hunger for real LIFE, the life God gives cannot be filled with things (hold up some items, toys, etc.) The bible says that only Jesus can satisfy that type of hunger. The bible says that Jesus is the Bread of Life. We need this type of bread (hold up the rolls or buns) or food to fill our stomachs and make us healthy. We also need Jesus (hold a picture of Jesus or a cross) who is the bread or food for the true, wonderful, true LIFE that God has for us.
Pray: Thank you God for provide a way that both types of hunger can be satisfied. We have food, such as bread, to fill our stomachs and to make our bodies work properly. Thank you God for also sending Jesus. He is the Bread of Life. Thank you that he is the one who can satisfy our hunger for a life of joy, love, peace and purpose. Help us to trust him, follow him and know him as our friend. We ask this in the name of Jesus – the Bread of Life! Amen.

Copyright 2009   Feel free to use this story on Sunday morning but please give credit to and consider linking to this page. Thank you. A.H.

 Guided by the Spirit

Objects: none
Children's Sermon idea: John 16 speaks of the Holy Spirit as a guide who will lead us. Like the Holy Spirit, lead (guide) the children around the church sanctuary to minister in various situations. Explain that the Holy Spirit will guide and lead them each day of their lives as they are sensitive to his leading.
Full Children's Sermon: Good morning children. In the Gospel of John Jesus says that he will send the Holy Spirit to lead us and be our guide. I want to show you how that works. Now we know that the Holy Spirit is invisible and often speaks to us in a still small voice but this morning I want you to pretend that I’m like the Holy Spirit guiding your life. Please stand up and follow close beside me. I’ll be your guide for the next few minutes. Let’s go. (Weave around various items at the front of the church. Be a good guide by giving directives to turn left or right. Include “ministry items”- people in the congregation who are in need) Now children, I think we should go down here. Now everybody, lets keep away from those wires – they are a bit dangerous. (Show that the Holy Spirit will often lead us away from dangerous situations) Now here is Mr. Jones. He’s just come off night shift at the factory. He’s probably tired and needs some encouragement. Let’s all say “good morning” and give him a nice smile. That’s great. The Holy Spirit will lead us to do things like that. Now, let’s go over here and then in this direction. Just like the Holy Spirit I’ll continue to guide you. That’s right, keep coming. I sense that we should pray for Mrs. Smith here. I think she has been going through some hard times. This time let’s not even say anything we’ll just stand behind her quietly and pray (Bow your head like you are praying). We don’t always have to pray out loud. OK. Follow me back to the front of the church.
Let’s give the children some applause for following my leading so well (gesture to the congregation to clap) you we great kids. The way I was leading you is a bit like how the Holy Spirit leads us. The Bible says that the Holy Spirit will be our guide every day of our life. He will lead us in God’s ways in a wonderful adventure of faith.
Children's Prayer: Thank you God for sending the Holy Spirit to be our guide for us every day of our life. Help us to listen to his “still small voice” so that we can discover the wonderful and exciting life that you have for us. We ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Copyright 2009 Andrew Hewlett –
(Feel free to use this on Sunday but give credit to Sundaychildrensfocus and consider putting a link on your web site – Thank you)

Guided by the Holy Spirit 

Children sermon on the feeding of the five thousand (5000)

Loaves and fishes – John 6:1-21    fish
Interactive Drama for Church or Sunday School
Props: 2 small baskets, lots of paper cut outs of loaves and fish
Basic idea:  Using a basket and paper cut outs, show how Jesus miraculously multiplied the loaves and fish. Let the children hold the multiplied “loaves and fish” and get them to help you count them all.
Full Story:
(Cut out a large number of “loaves” and “fish” out of paper and place them in a basket. Take another basket and place the initial "5 loaves and 2 fish" into that basket)
Good morning children. I want to tell you about how Jesus did a wonderful miracle by feeding 5 thousand hungry people. You can read about this in chapter six of John’s gospel. A large crowd had been following Jesus. The people were so excited about what he had to say that they forgot about eating! It was getting late and they were starting to get hungry. A young child was willing to offer his five loaves of bread and two fish but of course that wasn’t enough for everybody. (Hold up the first basket) To show you what Jesus did I made up some fish and bread out of paper. (Pull out the 5 loaves and 2 fish so that they can see.) Of course this wasn’t nearly enough to feed everybody but Jesus asked them to sit down on the grass. Then he took that small amount of food the the child provided, (Take the 5 loaves and 2 fish and put them in the second basket. Hold the basket up high), Gave thanks to God and then distributed the food. This is when things got pretty exciting. I’ll show you what happened. Please hold your hands out in front of you so I can distribute the food. I would also like you to count out loud each time I give out a fish or a piece of bread. "One, Two, Three, Four..."(Get some other adults in the first row to help count if you think the children will be too shy. Start distributing the “multiplied” fish and bread into the children’s hands helping them count as you go. Go quickly and make sure every child gets a good handful of fish and bread. I'd keep going until you are up at around 50 or so. For special effect you could ask them to hold out their hands for you to up-end the basket and dump the rest of the "food" out.) Wow! You all have lots of fish and bread. That’s what happened with Jesus. My story uses fish and bread made out of paper, but Jesus did a miracle with real bread and real fish. As Jesus and the disciples distributed the food it just kept coming, and coming and coming until the whole crowd of people had more than enough food to eat. In fact, there was so much that there were twelve baskets of food left over. This showed the people that Jesus had God’s power. It also showed the people that Jesus could provide for their every need. It also showed how important it was for that one small child to offer to Jesus what little he had.
Pray: Thank you God for this miracle that Jesus did. He truly is more wonderful than we can imagine. He really is a wonderful Saviour. Thank you that he provided food for the people and that he loves us and can provide for our needs as well.
Copyright 2009 Andrew Hewlett and   Feel free to use this story on Sunday morning but please give credit to and consider linking to this page. A.H.



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