

  • Kingdom is like a Mustard Seed Children's sermon

    Children's Sermon / Object lesson    Mark 4: 26-34 The Kingdom of God and the mustard seed

    A tiny mustard seed is held between the index finger and the thumb. A perfect illustration of Jesus' teaching in the Bible.       Faith of Mustard Seed

    This parable emphasizes the small, humble beginnings of the Kingdom. (Not what many people expected)

    Basic Children’s sermon idea: Hold up a small seed and then show the sort of large bush that it can grow into. Explain that this is how the Kingdom of God and /or the Church of God grows. It starts with small beginnings.

    Props needed: A small seed and a large bush in a pot.

    Children’s sermon / object lesson: Good morning children! Can you see what I have in my hand? It’s very hard to see. Look closely and you will see a very small seed. It doesn’t look very important. It doesn’t look very powerful. It looks like it would never get any bigger.

    However, if left a seed like this in the ground, and watered it, and left it grow, it would slowly grow into a large bush like this one over here. That is amazing that such a large bush could come from such a small seed.

    Jesus said that this is how his Kingdom would grow. Some people expected that it would start with an amazing show of power. But Jesus said it would start very small way – like this little seed. Jesus started telling people about God and his wonderful love. Later his followers told others of how Jesus loved us so much that he was willing to die for us. It did not seem like a powerful beginning. However, just like a little seed in the ground his kingdom grew bigger and bigger. At first there were just a few believers in Jesus. Now, many years later his kingdom family stretches all around the world. There are followers of Jesus in every country of the world.

    Kid’s prayer: Dear God, thank you for the good news message of Jesus and his love. Thank you that even though this good news message started with just a few people that it now has grown to be a huge church family all around the world. In Jesus name – Amen!

    Copyright Sundaychildrensfocus 2021 Feel free you use this on Sunday morning but please “Like” this on the Home Page link. Thank you. A.H.

  • Advent sermon - Magnificat

    Mary's Song about the Kingdom of God- The Magnificat -

    The upside down Kingdom      The Song of Mary

    Text for Advent 4: Luke 1: 39-45
    (The following object lesson can be used for in a children's sermonor for an introduction to an Advent Sunday school lesson)
    Object lesson idea: Have some pictures of very sophisticated people and very poor and humble people. Have the children arrange them in order of importance. Kings and rulers on top and poor people on bottom. Explain how the coming of Jesus turns this world order “upside down.” Get the children to look through a magnifying glass that is held out at arms length. This will make everything look upside down. Jesus shows us that the worlds system and values are upside down.
    Object Lessonitems: Magnifying glass, Pictures of sophisticated people and poor people.
    Children’s Sermon/ Object lesson: Good morning children! This morning’s bible reading from Luke 1 is called Mary’s song or “the magnificat.” Under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit Mary is saying that her son to be born (Jesus) is going to “turn the world upside down.” To show you what this is like I’ll be using this magnifying glass. But first look at these pictures. Help me arrange them from top to bottom according to importance. (Pin the pictures on a board or get the children to hold them up.) That’s right; this person in the very fancy car would go on top. Yes, this poor person would go down here. (Get all the pictures in the “right” order.”) This certainly is the way that most people see things; the rich and famous on top and the poor and helpless at the bottom. However, the bible teaches us that Jesus turned things upside down. Jesus wasn’t that impressed by rich and glamorous people and he had a love and compassion for the helpless. Jesus saw the world very differently than other people. I’ll show you what I mean. Look at this magnifying glass. It’s used for making small things look big. But if you hold it out at arms length it makes things look upside down. (Hold it about two feet in front of the children so that they can see that it makes things look upside down.) Jesus looked at people differently. (Look through the magnifying glass at the ordered pictures) Now when I look at these pictures I see the poor people at the top and the rich and sophisticated people at the bottom.  Now the famous people look like they are at the bottom and the poor people are at the top. The way of Jesus and his kingdom makes the way of the world seem upside down. If you have a magnifying glass at home trying looking through it like this. When it makes things look upside down remember that this is like Jesus’ kingdom. In his kingdom many things are “upside down” compared to the world.

    Children’s prayer. Dear God, we are so thankful that even though we are not rich or famous we are still very important to you. Help us to see the world the same way that you see it. Help us to follow Jesus and live the way you want us to live even when others may not understand. - In Jesus’ name. Amen!
     (Note: I realize I’ve used some big words here. Please substitute words that are appropriate for your audience. I’ll fix it up when I have some time)

    Copyright  Andrew Hewlett  Feel free to use this on Sunday morning but please give credit to Sundaychildrensfocus and consider linking to this site. A.H.



  • Brothers and sisters in God's family

    Lecionary Gospel text for this Sunday: Mark 3:20-35 Who are my mother and brothers? Or, fits with Galatians 3: 23-29 - June 19 2022

    Main children's sermon idea: As followers of Jesus we are part of a large wonderful family -the family of God

    Overview: Have various children mention who is in their family. Ask their family members to stand up. Explain how Jesus said his followers (you and me) are also part of another family; the family of God. After having some individual families stand up, have everyone in the congregation stand up and highlight that we belong to this great family. We are brothers and sisters in Christ.  children fellowship

    Full kids talk: Good morning children! Who here is a member of a family? (Be sensitive to the wide variety of family situations in your fellowship). That’s right. All of you are from some type of family, big or small. Carol, is your family here this morning? Let’s get them to stand up. I can see you have a mother and two brothers. Richard, do you have family member here today? (Get them to stand up in the congregation)

    It’s wonderful that we are part of some type of family that cares for us and loves us. However, did you know that as a follower of Jesus you are a part of another wonderful family? It’s called the family of God! In our bible lesson today from Mark chapter 3 Jesus said that his followers (who were doing his will) were brothers and sisters together. Let’s have this big family stand up. (Ask the whole congregation to stand.) Do you see all these people here this morning? As followers of Jesus we are part of this big family. Can you see Betty over there? She is a grandmother to her own family but think of her as like a grandmother to all of us as well. Look around this circle that we are sitting in. Think of these people as being like your brothers and sisters in God’s big family.

    Children’s Prayer: Dear God, thank for our families that loves us and looks after us each day. Thank you also that as followers of Jesus we are a part of wonderful big family called the family of God. In Jesus’ name – Amen!

    Copyright 2021 Feel free to use this story on Sunday morning but please give credit to this web site and please “Like” us on your social media platform. A. H.

  • Building others up

    Build one another up


    Kids talk / Sunday school lesson on using words to build up and not tear down.  

     ministry prayer

    Lectionary reading from Ephesians 4:25-5:2 (Instead of the Gospel of John) -- Trinity 9

    Kids talk idea: Show how words can build people up or tear them down. Have someone stand in front of the children who can physically respond to words of discouragement or words of encouragement.
    Full Children’s talk: Good morning children! Did you know that the words that we say to people are very powerful? In the Apostle Paul’s letter to the Ephesian Christians he told them that we need to make sure we use our words for building people up and not for tearing them down. I’ll show you how that works. Betty is going to help us see just how our words can build up or tear down. (Prior to your talk make sure your volunteer cringes, wilts, and gets smaller every time something nasty is said. Make sure they know to stand up tall when they are encouraged). Children, watch how my words will affect Betty.
    Hello Betty it’s good to see you! (Betty will intuitively stand up tall).
     I really wanted to get Carol to help me but she is away so I guess you’ll do. (Betty will wilt a bit a bit).
    By the way. Why are you wearing blue today? Everybody else is wearing yellow (Betty crumples a bit more).
    Another thing Betty; you look a little bent over. Maybe you need to get some more exercise. (You get the idea. Betty should be almost knelling sadly on the floor)
    Look what has happened Children. I don’t think I was very kind to Betty. My words did not build her up. In fact, my words discouraged her and tore her down. How do you think we can build her up? Say some thing to her that might encourage her and build her up. (Let the children make encouraging comments and watch Betty slowly get built back up until she is standing nice and tall) That was wonderful children. You were very good at using your words to build her up. Let’s have the congregation give you a cheer for being so good at building her up. Also, thank you Betty for helping out.
    Betty did exaggerate a little to help with my story but all of us know how important it is to be built up and encouraged by others.
    Pray: God, thank you that our words have a wonderful power. Through your Holy Spirit help us to always use our words to encourage, and build others up. We ask this in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen!
    Copyright 2009 Andrew Hewlett Feel free to use this story on Sunday morning but please give credit to and consider making a link to this page. Thank you. A.H.
    And please "like" this site or page on Facebook!
  • Children's Christmas sermon -object lesson

     Kids sermon: The Real Meaning of Christmas      

    Children's Sermon for Christmas:   Don’t forget the birth of Jesus. Gifts.
    Objects needed: Small Crèche/ Nativity scene. Bag of wrapped Christmas presents.
    Children's Sermon  / Sunday School idea: This works best if it’s your tradition to have a small Nativity scene up at the front of the church during Advent.   Gather the children in front of the nativity figures. Pull out a big bag of presents that you just received or will give to others. Place then one by one in front of the children making a large pile. As the nativity scene is now blocked from sight ask them is there is anything wrong. Sometimes all the excitement about getting of giving presents can make us forget about the real meaning of Christmas.
    Full Christmas object lesson: Good morning girls and boys. Come on up front here and gather in front of the nativity scene.   I want to talk about what we can see here. But first I want to show you something very exciting. (Pull out a big bag that is full of wrapped Christmas presents) Here are some presents that are under our Christmas tree that have my name on them! (Pull out the presents one by one placing them down between the children and the nativity scene) Look at this one! What do you think is inside? And this one, hmmm, I wonder what it could be? Feel how heavy it is. (Keep placing the gifts you have looked at in front on the nativity scene until there is a high wall of presents blocking the Nativity scene from the children’s view).   Well, I’m excited about all these presents that I get to open soon! Now, look at all those gifts. Wow, they are piled up so high. (Let the children take a good look at what is before them.) Is anything wrong? What’s the problem here?
    (Someone will notice that the nativity scene is completely obscured from view.) Yes. That’s right kids. Now we can’t see the Nativity scene! Is that right?
    TRANSITION:   You are right children.   I was so concerned about the gifts that I covered up the nativity scene and couldn’t even see Jesus! That can happen at Christmas. The gifts we get are lots of fun but we have to remember that the most important thing at Christmas is Jesus. We don’t want to forget about him. He is the greatest gift of all. 
    (Get some of the children to help you move some of the gifts to the side so that you get a clear view of the Nativity scene – especially Jesus.
    Children's Prayer: Thank you God for all the presents that we get a Christmas. We have been greatly blessed. Help us to remember the greatest gift of all, Jesus.   May our gifts and presents never get so important to us that we forget about Jesus. Let’s always make room for Jesus because that’s what Christmas is all about. Amen!
    Copyright 2008   If you use this story at your Sunday service please give credit to and consider placing a link on your church web site. Thank you! A.H.
    Special request: Please LIKE this page (left side bar) if you found it helpful. That helps me - Thanks  - A.H.


  • Children's lesson on Evangelism

    Witness to the Risen Lord - Kids sermon on being a Witness

    Themes: Risen Christ, Being a Witness, Evangelism, Easter
    Objects: None
    Text: Luke 24:36-48 “…you are witnesses of these things.”
    Basic Chilren's Sermon Idea: The Lectionary text seems to emphasize being a witness of the risen Christ to the rest of the world. Involve the children in showing how the good news of the risen Lord is to be passed on to the world. The children go forth into the world symbolized by the whole congregation. Each child spreads the word to two other people. Those two each share the good news with two others. Very quickly (exponentially) the whole congregation is reached with the good news that Jesus is Alive.
    Full Children's Sermon
    Good Morning Children. Our Bible reading today from the Gospel of Luke tells about Jesus appearing again to his disciples. He was showing them that he really was alive! He went on to tell them that they would would be witness to the rest of the world. That means they God wanted them to share with the rest of the world that Jesus was indeed alive. Now, it seems hard to believe that this small group of disciples could be used to share that good news with the whole world. However, I want to show you how that good news is shared with others, and how it can reach so many people. Look out there at all those people in the congregation. It's a pretty big crowd. Now in a minute or two I want each of you to go to two people out there, touch them and tell them Jesus is Alive! When you do that the person has to stand up, touch two other people and tell them "Jesus is Alive!" (Make sure the children understand what they are doing and why it is a bit like what the early disciples did. Make sure the rest of the congregation knows what to do as well). Are you ready? You children will be witnesses to the Risen Lord just like the disciples were. Ok. You can go as soon as I tell you Jesus is Alive. Here we go. "Jesus is Alive - go tell the whole world this wonderful news. (Send the childrens out into the congregation).
    (Get the children to come back to the front.) Wow. You did it! That was so fast. Lets give these children a clap, way to go. Isn't that amazing. When you spread the good news to just two other people, and each of them spreads it to two other people, (etc.) pretty soon the message has gone out to everybody. That's exactly how God wants us to help change the world.

    Children's Prayer: Dear God, we are so thankful that we have heard the wonderful news that Jesus is Alive! Help us to spread that good news so that the whole world knows that Jesus is alive and loves us so much! In Jesus' Name - Amen!

     Copyright 2009  Feel free to use this message on Sunday morning but please give credit to Sundaychildrensfocus and consider linking to this web site. A.H.



  • Children's sermon - Christian Unity

    Children’s Sermon / Sunday school lesson – Christian Unity

        1 Corinthians 12:12-31 The Body of Christ
    Sermonobject lesson: Prior to your talk, have a child lie down on a large piece of cardboard so that you can trace the outline of his/her body. Then cut cardboard body part pieces into a simple “body puzzle.” During your kids talk hold up various cardboard “body parts” and discuss how all alone they are not much good. Get the children to each hold a body part and see if you can quickly hold them in place to make the whole body complete. Congratulate the children and explain how when the body is together it is alive and effective. Explain how each of us, with our different gifts is a part of the body of Christ. We need each other and we need to be together in unity if we are going to be effective in “being Jesus” to a broken world.
    (As a Sunday school lessonyou could go into much more detail about use of gifts, how we need each other, and the idea that we are the “hands and feet” of Jesus. We are the church, the physical manifestation of our risen Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.)
    Objects Lesson items: Large cardboard body part “cut outs” made out of cardboard. I would suggest about ten body parts (left hand, right hand, head, left foot, etc.)
    Children’s sermon: Good morning children! One of our bible readings this morning is from Paul’s letter to the Corinthians. In his letter Paul encourages the believers to all work together as one unit. He said that in the same way a body is made up of many parts, each of us is like a part of the body of Christhis church. I’ll show you what I mean. (Bring out your cardboard body parts. Hold up some individual parts.) What this? Yes, it’s a hand. If a hand was all by itself would it be much good? Right. It wouldn’t. What’s this? Yes, it’s a foot. Would a foot be much good all on its own? Etc.
    It’s pretty easy to see that each part of the body needs each other. Let’s see if we can put the parts of the body together into a whole body. (Hand out the different parts and help hold them in place (upright) so that everyone in the congregation can see. After you have all the parts in place give the children a cheer to congratulate them.) That’s wonderful. Please keep holding the body parts in place for a moment. Now all the parts are together and this person could do all kinds of good things. (You could give some examples.) Each one of us has different and special gifts and talents. Trying to use our gifts alone doesn’t really work. We need other people’s gifts and talents and other people need our gifts and talents. God made us to be together like different parts of the same body.
    Children’s Prayer: Dear God, thank you that each of us is a special person with special gifts and talents. Thank you that I have gifts that other people need and other people have gifts that I need. Help us all to work together like a body with many parts. In Jesus name – Amen!

    Copyright Andrew Hewlett   - Feel free to use this lesson on Sunday morning but please give credit to Sundaychildrensfocus and consider linking to this site. Thanks - A.H.
  • Children's Sermon - Feed my Sheep


    Kids object lesson: Feed my SheepTake care of my sheep     John 21:1-19    Easter 3  

    Children’s Sermon idea: Explain to the children a time when you went away and entrusted a pet animal to someone else to look after. Describe your love for the animal and how you asked them to feed your pet and look after it. Tell the children how Jesus asked Peter to “feed my sheep” and “take care of my sheep.”As Jesus’ sheep, encourage the children to think of ways they can “feed” and “take care” of one another.
    Object lessonProps: Items for taking cared of a household pet. (Bowl, brush, leash, treats, medicine, etc)
    Children’s Sermon: Feed my Sheep– Take care of my Sheep
    Good morning children. How many of you have a pet? Did you know that we once had a dog named “Deacon?” He was a very special dog and we loved him a lot. Here are some of the things we used to take care of him. Here is the brush we used to brush his hair. We would feed him by putting his food in this dog bowl. Here is the soap we would use when we would give him a bath. He was very special to us so we made sure we showed our love by taking good care of him. One day we had to go away on a trip and we had our neighbour look after Deacon. As we were preparing to go away we brought Deacon to our neighbour’s house along with all these things. We showed them how to feed Deacon. We showed them how to brush his hair. We gave our neighbour the leash and showed where Deacon enjoyed going for a walk. We wanted to make sure that our neighbour took care of our very special dog!
    In our bible reading today from John’s gospel, Jesus said to Peter, “feed my sheep” and take care of them. Jesus wasn’t talking about the kind of sheep that have wool and go bah bah bah. Who do you think these sheep were that he wanted Peter to look after? Right! He was talking about his followers. When Jesus was talking about “my sheep” he was thinking about the people who followed him and loved him. They were people like you and me. If we are followers of Jesus we part of that flock of sheep. Jesus was going to go back to his heavenly father and he wanted to make sure Peter would feed and care for that flock of people who loved and followed Jesus. Jesus wanted to know that they were going to be fed and looked after by leaders like Peter. Our Pastor is a leader like Peter and his/her job is to look after us, feed us, and lead us in the right direction. In fact, all of us need to do what we can to care for one another. If we are Jesus’ sheep how can we care for one another? (Let the children respond) Those are some good ideas. Let’s always do what we can to take care of one another. That’s something Jesus would want us to do.
    Children’s Prayer: Dear God, help us to feed and take care of our pets and animals. As your sheep, help us to “feed” and take care of one another just like Jesus asked Peter to do. In Jesus’ name – Amen!

    Copyright  Feel free to use this story on Sunday morning but please give credit to sundaychildrensfocus and consider linking to this site. - Blessings, A.H.
  • Children's sermon - that the world would know



    Kids sermon - Christian UnityThat the world would know     John 17:20-26


    “That they would be one”             

    Children’s sermon idea: Lead the children over to your band, choir or music team. Ask each band member to think of a song and when you say “go” begin to sing or play. It makes a terrible sound. Then ask them all to play a chorus together and let the children here the beautiful sound that comes when they play in unity.
    Objects needed: None. You just need some singers or musicians.
    Children’s sermon: Good morning children. This morning we have a bible reading from John’s gospel about Unity. Unity is a word that means being together or getting along together as one. Jesus said that if we got along together in peace as one then the rest of the world would know it was because of Jesus and his love. I want to show you what unity is like. Please follow me and we’ll go over to our Sunday morning praise band. Hello Cathy. I want you to think of a song that you like to play and get ready to play it in a minute or two. Frank, I really like your guitar. I want you to think of a song that you like and get ready to play it in a minute. (Continue on asking other members of the choir or band.) Ok. Are you all ready to go! Good. 1, 2. 3, go! (Let them make a terrible sound. Put your fingers in your ears for special effect.) Well children, how did that sound? That’s right. It sounded awful. They were not playing and singing in unity and it was a mess. Now, let’s ask them to play a song together in unity – all working together. Can you play the doxology for us? Great. 1, 2, 3 go! (Enjoy the beautiful sound.) How did that sound children? That’s right. It was much better. They all agreed to work together in unity and play the same song. Children, that reminds me how Christians are supposed to be when they are gathered together. They are supposed to work together in love. When they do live that way it is like a beautiful song that helps other people believe in the power and life of Jesus. However, when we only care about doing what we want to do there is no unity and it’s like a terrible noise. When that happens other people can’t see the love of Jesus at all.
    Children’s prayer: Lord God, thank you for our praise team that plays in unity and makes such beautiful music. Help all of us in this church to live together and get along together in unity and love. In that way others will notice and realize that it must be because of Jesus. In his name – Amen!

    Copyright 2010 Andrew Hewlett - Feel free to use this kids sermon on at your Sunday morning service but please give credit to and consider linking to this site. Thank you. A.H.

  • Children's sermon on the persecuted church


    Children’s sermon on the persecuted church

    Kid’s message on the persecuted church – those suffering for Jesus

    Basic idea: Engage the children in pretending you are early Christians trying to hide from Roman soldiers 2000 years ago. To add to the drama by placing some secret fish symbols in various places leading the way to where you will secretly worship. Explain how Christians still must do this in some countries today.

    (Ahead of time: Place some secret fish symbols on door posts and hallways. This might lead to a secret room where you will open and read from a hidden bible. )  fish symbol persecuted church

    Hold up a Christian fish symbol. Ask the children where they have seen this sign. Explain how the early Christians sometimes used this as a secret symbol during times of persecution. Then ask the children to very quiet and imagine they are hiding from Roman soldiers. Lead the way and help them to discover the “secret” Christian fish symbols on the way to the meeting place. When you arrive at the secret location find a “hidden” bible and read out some encouraging bible passages in hushed tones.

    Debrief: Explain how thankful we are that we live in a time and place where we don’t have to be afraid of following Christ. (That being said, you could give examples of how Christians are sometime made fun of because of their faith in Jesus) Let the children know that in some places of the world Christians must to hide and even suffer greatly for their faith. Lead in prayer for the persecuted church (their brothers and sisters in Christ)

    Children’s prayer: Dear God, thank you that we live in a country where we can freely talk about Jesus and his love. Please help our Christian brothers and sisters (and show us how we might help them) in those places where they are suffering for being followers of Jesus. In Jesus’ name – Amen!

    Sundaychildrensfocus – Andrew Hewlett 2021

  • Children's story - Woman at the Well


    Kids interactive sermon: The Woman at the Well- John 4:5-42  Streams of living water  

    Woman at Well

    Children’s sermon idea:

    We get thirsty and need to keep filling up with water. God’s love / life in Jesus is like refreshing water that never runs out. Pretend to go on a hike and explain how you have to keep filling up your bottle with water when you drink it all and get thirsty. Tell them about the life and love of Jesus that never runs out. Give a short overview of the woman at the well story.
    Object lesson items: A backpack, water bottle and cup. (Option: a second container to “hold” God’s love)
    Full interactive lesson:
    Good morning children! This morning our bible reading is about a woman at the well who met Jesus and discovered his love. However, before talking about that I want you to join me on a pretend hiking trip. (You could just stand there and explain things but I think it’s more fun to get the kids to join you on a hike around the inside of the church.) Ok. Here is my back pack. One of the most important things inside is this camping cup and this bottle of water. You need water to live and if you are on a long hot hike you need to keep filling up your cup and filling up your bottle of water when it runs out. (Hike around a bit, ask the kids to pretend they are getting really hot and thirsty. Pour them some pretend water to quench their thirst and then keep going. Stress the idea that you need to find a stream or lake to keep filling up the water bottle when you run out.) When you come to a pretend rest spot pull out another container and ask them if they need to keep filling it up with the love and life of Jesus. Well, we don’t really need to keep filling up a bottle with the love and life of Jesus because his love is always with us and it never runs out. We need to keep getting more water when we are thirty but the love of Jesus never runs out. It is always there with us so we can always enjoy his refreshing life. Today’s bible verse is about a woman who met Jesus at a well where thy used to get their water. Jesus introduced himself and said that she could know his life and love. It would be like a wonderful stream of living water that that would make her life refreshing, full and complete. It would be like a stream of love and life that would never run out.
    Children’s prayer: Dear God, thank you that Jesus’ life and love never run out. It’s like an invisible living water this is always there for us. In Jesus’ name – Amen!
    Copyright 2014 Feel free to use this story at you morning worship service. Please consider putting a link on your church web site. Blessings, A.H.

    woman at the well
  • Children's Story for Trinity Sunday

    Children's Story for Trinity Sunday           trinitysymbol

     God is a Trinity (Tri – Unity) Father, Son and Holy Spirit -- (Note: This can also be used as an introduction to a Sunday school lesson.

    Bible text: John 3:1-17 (especially John 3:16-17) (This is a general text that speaks of the ministry of all 3 persons of the Trinity. Any “trinity” text could be used with this story.
    Objects needed: 3 volunteer children
    Basic Children's Sermon Idea: Show some of the classic “three in one” Trinity objects such as an apple, egg, ice etc. and discuss how they are “three” yet still “one.” Then get three children to link arms and stand together so close that they appear to be one unit. Explain how this might be a better picture of the triune God because it involves three living persons. Stress the fact that God is not just a doctrine or an idea. God is a community (little family?) of three living persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
    (Theological note: This image may stress the “threeness” more than the “oneness” of the Trinity, but I still think it is a far better picture than what is conveyed with any of the classic inanimate objects- apple, egg, ice, etc.)    or go here --> more IDEAS for teaching kids about the TRINITY
    Full Children's Sermon:
    Good morning children. Today in our church we call this day Trinity Sunday. It’s a day we celebrate the truth that God is made up of the Father, the Son (Jesus) and the Holy Spirit. You’ve probably heard all three of those names in some of our prayers and especially when we baptize someone. It’s a bit hard to understand. The bible reveals that there is only one God but that this God is made up of three parts, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. The word we use to describe this 3 in 1 God is “Trinity.” That is a word made up of the word “Tri” which mean 3 (EG A tricycle has 3 wheels) and the word “Unity,” which means “One” or being unified together. It is a bit of a mystery that there can be one God yet three parts or persons to God. That’s OK. It makes sense that we humans might not be able to completely understand God. But here are some things that might help us understand how something can be “one” and “three” at the same time. See this egg. It is only one egg yet it is made up of three parts. Do you know what those three parts are? (Let the children respond – Discuss some other things that are both 3 and 1 at the same time) That’s very good children. This morning I want to give you one other example of how God might be 3 in 1. I need three of you children to stand up here on this bench. Now stand as close as you can to each other and link arms like you are joined together. That’s great. You are so close you are one group. You look like you are a little community or family. You are made up of three parts but you are so close together you are really one unit. Maybe this is a little like the Trinity. The nice thing about this picture of God is that it is made up of living persons (unlike the egg, ice, or apple). The wonderful thing about the real God is that he is alive. (Suggestion: You could get your group of 3 persons to give someone a hug) That is so wonderful. Jesus can be our savior and friend, the Holy Spirit can live inside of us and give us life, and we can know the deep love the Father has for us. I’m so glad that the God we serve is known to us in three persons; Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
    Children's Prayer: Dear God. We know that we cannot fully understand how great and wonderful you really are. But we thank you for revealing yourself to us as Father, Son and Holy Spirit(a Trinity of persons) even though you are still one. Help us to learn more about you and the great love you have for each one of us. We ask this in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen!
    Copyright 2009 Andrew Hewlett and
    (Feel free to use this story on Sunday morning but please give credit to and consider doing me a favor by putting a link on your web site) Thank you!


  • Church Treasure

    Theme: The real treasure of the church is not gold and silver -

    (a Children's Sermonor an introduction for a Sunday School lesson)

     Church Treasure
    Props:Fancy box/container. A Bible (representing the Gospel). A picture of the congregation or church directory (something to represent the people)
    Basic idea for the Children's Sermon: The real treasure of your church is not a fancy golden trinket, it’s the Gospel and it’s the people that make up the congregation.
    Full Children's Sermon / Bible Lesson: Good morning girls and boys. This morning I want to show you something very special. This morning I’m going to show you the treasures of the church! Would you like to see the treasures? (Bring out a very fancy looking container. Get some of the children to hold onto the box and process (adding dome pomp and ceremony) to where you want them to sit down.) Inside this box are the most valuable treasures that our church has. (You might let the children guess what that is) Now this is so important I need the congregation to do a drum roll. (Get the people to tap on their chairs or thighs.) I also need some of you children to make the sound of a trumpet. (Show them how to pretend to make a trumpet call – dut dut dut duhhhh!)
    Now, have one of the children slowly open the box. What do you see? That’s right a bible and a picture of our congregation. (It’s a little anticlimactic) Now, this may not look like fancy gold or treasure but it is our most important treasure. This bible contains the Gospel – the good news of Jesus and his love. That is a priceless treasure. Without the Gospel we would be lost. It’s so important the we never forget what Jesus did for us.
    Now this picture represents the other great treasure. It’s the people that make up the church. Each one here, and that includes each of you, are very precious – much more precious that gold or silver. The people are the other great treasure of our church.
    We might not seem like a fancy or wealthy church but I think we have the most valuable treasures in the whole world; we have the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and we have all the peoplehere that make up the family of God.
    Children's Prayer: Lord, thank you for these two great treasures. Help us always to be thankful for your great love and help us to be ready to share the Good News of Jesus with others. Also, thank you God for our family and friends in the family of God – each person is a precious treasure too.
    Copyright sundaychidrensfocus 2009






  • Father's Day ideas for church or Sunday school

    Father’s Day ideas - Church and Children's Ministry

    - Make sure all children are honored and included. Consider highlighting “Fathers” or those in a “Father-like” role to the children. Remember, this can be a difficult day for those who don’t have a dad around.

    - Help the children make up a song that you can sing to all the dads in the congregation. Keep it simple and fun. You could also make actions to go along with the song.

    - As a group write a poem or put together a skit highlighting and honoring dads.

    - Give out special dad gifts: Cans of WD40, Coffee gift cards, root beer, golf balls…

    - Interview some Dads.

    - Interview kids about what their dad means to them.

    - Have a Dad photo shoot. Dress them up as “Superdad” and take their picture with the children. Take some fun "Dad selfies". 

    - Produce special craft gift items: Paint and decorate “my dad rocks” paperweights; produce a cut out tie with words that honor the dads; make thank you cards; make decorate father’s day mugs with dishwasher safe paints. This takes more work but my favorite dad mug actually has father / child pictures printed on the mugs. Produce “super dad” t-shirts.

    - Discuss with the church pastor how you might set up a mentor program for kids that don’t have a dad around.

    - Discuss with the church pastor about setting up special prayer support ministry for those who find this a painful day.

    - Have fathers or father figures in the church pray a blessing over the children.

  • House of Prayer

    My Father's House: A House of Prayer - Not a Marketplace     -

    Themes: Cleansing the Temple, House of Prayer,
    Room for all Nations

    Text:John 2:13-22 (Lent 3)Cleansing of the Temple
    All Gods Children
    Basic Children's Sermon Idea: Set up some barrier or obstruction so that the children can’t come up to their usual place at the front of the church. They will have to watch from far off. Act out Jesus overturning the tablesof the money changers and cleaning the temple thus making room for the children to come in and worship. Welcome the children to come right up front for debriefing and prayer. (Note: The Gospel of Mark seems to indicate that one of the things that angered Jesus so much was that the Gentiles couldn’t worship with all the commotion going on.)
    Objects Lesson props: Some boxes, a non breakable plate and a tin with some loose change.
    Full Children's Sermon:  Good Morning. It’s the time in our service to do the children’s story but unfortunately this morning there isn’t enough room for you children to come right up front. The isle is blocked off with these boxes and tables this morning so you’ll have to watch from a distance. There’s just not enough room up here this morning. (Find some way of blocking off the isle. Use boxes or stretch some flagging tape across the center isle. Set up some other boxes up front. On one of them place a plate with a can of change or other “money changer” paraphernalia. For dramatic effect you could get a member of the congregation to sit at the money changing table.) This morning children I want to tell you about a time Jesus got pretty angry. He came into the temple where people worshipped and he found them buying and selling things, making lots of noise, and there were even animals walking all over the place. This was in an area where the Gentiles (the outsiders) could come and worship God. But this was impossible to do because there was so much buying and selling going on! Jesus was so angry he drove all the animals out and overturned the tables of the money changers. (Overturn the tables (i.e. boxes) and “cleanse the temple” so there is room for the children to come in.) As Jesus was doing this he said “My Fathers House shall be called a house of prayer (for all nations) but you’ve turned it into a den of thieves!”
    After doing that I’m sure there was room for the outsiders to come in and worship. (Go down and break down the barrier keeping the kids out. Lead the children up front to where you normally talk to them and pray. (When I did this I got the congregation to give a big cheer.)

    Prayer: Thank you God that Jesus cared so much about the temple being a place of prayer for everyone. Thank you God for this place where we come to pray and to worship. God, help us to remember that although we have lots of fun here the most important thing is that it is a place of prayer and worship – in Jesus name. Amen


  • John the Baptist

    Advent - John the Baptist          Lectionary: Luke 3:1-6

    Object lessonand children's Advent sermon: John the Baptist sounds the alarm – be prepared  
    Prepare the way
    john the baptist alarm warning

    Children’s sermon idea: Show the children a small battery operated smoke detector. (These are very common) Push the test button to catch their attention. Discuss the role of a smoke detector and then explain the role of John the Baptist. Wake up! It’s dangerous to be ill prepared for Jesus.
    As a Sunday School lesson: Demonstrate the smoke detector’s loud beep.
    -Discuss what sort of things John could do to warn the people that Jesus was coming.
    -Discuss the things the children might do if they knew Jesus was coming tomorrow.
    -Discuss what they can do now to get ready for welcoming Jesus at Christmas and being ready for his return at any time. (What does it mean to “repent” and “wake up.”?)
    Object lesson items: Small battery operated smoke detector. If you don’t have one a friend or neighbor will. They can usually be released by pressing up and turning a ¼ turn counterclockwise.
    Full Children’s Sermon for Advent:
    Good morning children. Today, in this season of Advent our bible reading is about John the Baptist. John the Baptist was a messenger sent to prepare the way for the coming of Jesus. He knew Jesus was coming and that the people needed to get ready. This morning I brought something from home that is designed to wake us up and get us ready. (Hold up the smoke detector). Do you know what this is? It’s a smoke detector. It’s designed to make a loud beep if it detects smoke from a fire. That way, if a fire started in your house late at night it would beep loudly, wake you up, and then you could get to safety. Listen to the loud beep. (Push the center test button to sound the alarm. Or, you could hold a match underneath, blow it out, and let the smoke trigger the sound. You could ask them to pretend to be asleep before sounding the alarm. ) That really woke you up didn’t it!
    The smoke detector wakes us up and warns us that we’d better get ready and go to safety. John the Baptist was a bit like this smoke detector. A long time ago many of the people living in Israel were not thinking about being right with God. John the Baptist sounded the alarm, by saying “wake up,” “repent” and get ready for the Savior. This took place many years ago in Israel but John’s message is important for us today. If we are being asleep to God it’s important that we wake up. I think it is especially important at this time of year when we are getting ready for Christmas. At Christmas time it is especially important that we are living in such a way that our hearts are open to Jesus Christ. We certainly couldn’t have Christmas without Jesus Christ. Also, if we wake up to God and live lives pleasing to him we will be ready when Jesus returns.
    Children’s Prayer: Dear God, thank you for these smoke detectors that wake us up and warn us when there is a fire. Thank you for sending John the Baptist to prepare the way and wake people up in preparation for Jesus. We know that if we have our hearts right before you we will be ready to welcome Jesus this Christmas and we’ll also be ready to see him when he returns to earth again. In Jesus Name – Amen!

    Copyright   Andrew Hewlett 2008 Feel free to use this at your Church Service or Sunday school but please give credit to Sundaychildrensfocus and consider putting a link to this site. Blessings, A.H.  or "like" us on facebook


  • Kids sermon - Weeds and the Wheat

    Children's object lesson - Parable of the weeds and the wheat    Matt 13: 24-30, 36-43  
    -- For Sunday school, youth group or children's church --

    Sunday School Sermon idea: Have a bag filled with different types of weeds along with small flowers or plants. Making two piles, have the children decide which are the good plants and which are the weeds. After this hold up cut out pictures of people (from a magazine). Ask them if they can decide who are the good people and who are the bad people. After seeing the pictures and realizing it cannot be done, explain how it’s not really our job to go around separating good people from bad people. Our job is to show love and care to all people.
    Object lesson items: Some weeds; some small flowers or plants; Pictures of people cut out from a magazine.
    Complete kids sermon: Good morning children! Have any of you helped plant things in the garden or helped pull weeds? I haven’t done a lot of gardening and I find it hard to tell the difference between the weeds and the flowers. Look at this bag here. It’s full of weeds and its full of flowers. Let’s see if you can tell the difference. I’ll make two piles on this tray; one for the good plants and one for the weeds. OK. What about this one? Is it a weed or a flower? How about this one? (Some may be easy to recognize and some difficult. Have some fun with this.)
    I think you did pretty well. However, sometimes it was hard to tell the difference, especially when the plants had not yet produced pretty flowers. Now I want you to look at these pictures here. They are pictures of people I cut out of a magazine. Why don’t we try to put them in different piles: We’ll have one pile for good people and one pile for bad people. (Hold up the pictures and ask the children to decide by looking at the people.) Hmmm. I don’t think this is working. I don’t think it’s really our job to put people into “good people” and “bad people” piles. In our bible reading today from Matthew chapter 13 Jesus makes it clear that it’s not really our job to try to decide who are the good people and who are the bad people in the world. God knows who are his friends and who are his enemies. Our job is to show the love of Jesus to everyone. 
    Prayer for the Children: Dear God, help us not to worry too much about who is good and who is bad. Help us to show the love of Jesus to everyone. In Jesus’ name – Amen
    Copyright 2011 Andrew Hewlett –  Feel free to use this but consider linking to this site. Blessings, A.H.
  • Kids sermon Feed my Sheep (short video)

    Children's message Feed my Sheep (Short idea via video) Jesus is the good shepherd who looks after his sheep and feeds them

  • kids sermon on being Clothed with Christ

     Children’s sermon on Galatians 3:23-29   

    All those who have been baptized into Christ have clothed themselves with Christ.
    Idea for Children’s Sermon: Talk about (and act out) the importance of getting properly dressed in the morning. Explain how Paul encourages us to think as though we have clothed ourselves with Christ. (My first draft here is a bit choppy and needs proof reading. However, you’ll get the drift of things.)
    Object lesson items: Various items of (important) clothing. Consider using a big warm winter coat. You could also use a football or hockey jersey that shows who we indentify with.
    Full Kids sermon: Good morning children! What is the first thing you do when you get up in the morning? (interact). When I first get up I pull on my pants. Then I go to the cupboard and get some clean socks. I put those on. (Act out and consider asking the children to act this out with you.) Then I put on some shoes. Then I get a nice clean shirt. What do you think I put on if I’m going outside on a cold day? That’s right. I get a nice warm jacket and put that on too. On Saturdays, I put this team shirt on. It shows that I’m a member of my soccer club. It also shows others that this game is important to me.
    Putting on clothes is very important. Clothes protect us from getting scratched up. Clothes also keep us nice and warm. They also help us to look nice. When I put on my soccer shirt it shows others what my favourite sport is. One of our bible readings this morning is from Paul’s letter to the Galatians. In the 3rd chapter of his letter, Paul says that followers of Jesus (actually, the baptized) have clothed themselves with Jesus Christ. Paul liked to think of actually “wearing” Jesus Christ, somewhat like we wear a piece of clothing. (If you think it’s helpful you could also explain how Paul thought in terms of having Christ “in us” and walking “with us.”) Kids, perhaps this is one way that we can think about Jesus Christ as well. When I get up in the morning I put on my shirt like this. Perhaps we can imagine clothing ourselves with Christ. Let’s pretend that we are putting on Christ. (Pretend to put on a coat.) At the same time we could say a prayer asking God to help us live for Jesus and for others to know we are on his team!
    Children’s Prayer for clothing ourselves with Christ:  Dear God, help us clothe ourselves with Jesus Christ every day of our life. Fill us with your Holy Spirit and help others see that we really do belong to Jesus Christ. In Jesus’ name, Amen!
  • kids sermon on the Holy Spirit Helper

     Pentecost 2013 John14:8-17 I will send you the Helper - the Holy Spirit  

    Kids Sermon idea:  When the children come up front ask one of the children to “be a helper” for some simple task. (Move a bench, rearrange some chairs, assist setting something up.)  Discuss how having a helper is a great benefit. Explain how Jesus said he would send us a Helper (the Holy Spirit) to live inside us and to be with us forever.


    Objects for the kids lesson: A table or chairs or anything at the front of the church that needs to be set up.
    Children’s Church talk:  Good morning children! How are you this morning? Do you know what special day it is this Sunday? Today is called the day of Pentecost. It’s the day we remember when the Holy Spirit came to fill believers up with the presence of God. In John 14:8-17 the bible says that Jesus promised that his true followers would receive a special helper. That special helper that Jesus gives is called the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is like an invisible part of God that lives right inside us and helps us live the life that Jesus wants us to live. We can’t see the Holy Spirit helper, but Jesus promised that if we obeyed him he would give us that wonderful helper to live inside us. In the same way Betty was my helper this morning, the Holy Spirit will help each one of us do the things that Jesus wants us to do. (You could give some examples: The Holy Spirit helper will help us love others when it’s hard to do. The Holy Spirit Helper will give us power to forgive those who have hurt us. Etc.) I am so that Jesus didn’t leave us alone when he went to heaven. He sent the Holy Spirit to be our helper and to be with us forever!
    Children’s Prayer: Dear God, thank you that Jesus sent us the Holy Spirit helper to live right inside us and to be with us forever. In Jesus´ name, Amen.

    Copyright 2013 Andrew Hewlett and Sundaychildrensfocus    Feel free to use this on Sunday morning but please give credit to and please consider linking to this web site.