Children’s sermon: Jesus turns the water to wine
John 2:1-11 Epiphany 2 – Wedding at Cana 

Children’s sermon / object lesson idea: Give a paraphrased explanation of Jesus turning the water into wine. While you tell the story place 6 empty glasses (representing the six stone jars) on a bench where the children can see them. For special effect put a drop or two of red food colouring in the bottom of each cup. As you explain how Jesus turned the water into wine pour clear water into the six glasses. The water will instantly turn red. Explain how you did your visual effect with food colouring but explain how Jesus really turned in into wine.
Object lesson items: six clear glasses, some drops of food colouring placed in the bottom of each cup, a large clear pitcher of clean water.
Children’s Sermon: Good morning children! Today’s bible reading is about a very special day when Jesus turned water into wine. It was a wonderful miracle. This showed Jesus’ wonderful power and also his concern that a wedding celebration would be a success. I’ll tell you what happened and give a little demonstration with these glasses. One day there was a wedding celebration in a place called Cana in Galilee. Jesus, his mother, and the disciples were invited to the wedding. All of a sudden they realized that they had run out of wine. The people of that day considered this to be a terrible, embarrassing mistake. When Jesus found out about this he asked the servants to fill up six jars with water. (Pick up the pitcher of water and fill up the glasses. The food colouring will make the water look like wine.)
When they had finished filling up the jars Jesus asked the servants to take some to the master of the wedding. When the master tasted the water (taste some of the water) he was amazed that it was such good tasting wine. He said that they had obviously saved this best wine until last. Not everyone knew where the wine had come from but the servants did. The disciples also knew that it was Jesus that turned the water into wine. This wonderful miracle helped them to place their trust in Jesus.
Well, that’s what happened on that special day long ago. I’ll show you how I did it. (Explain how you used food colouring.) However, Jesus really did turn the water into wine. It was a great miracle and it showed that Jesus was no ordinary person. He was the son of God!
Children’s Prayer: Dear God. Thank you for this wonderful miracle that Jesus did many years ago. Thank you that even though we can’t see him he is alive and he loves us so very much. Help us to trust in him just like the disciples did. We ask this in Jesus’ name – Amen!
Copyright Andrew Hewlett - Feel free to use this lesson on Sunday morning but please give credit to and consider placing a link to this site. Blessings, A.H.
Copyright Andrew Hewlett - Feel free to use this lesson on Sunday morning but please give credit to and consider placing a link to this site. Blessings, A.H.