Kids sermon “No one can snatch them out of my hand” John 10:22-30
Safe in God’s hands 
Kid’s sermon idea: Show the children a silver dollar or a Gold coin that is valuable to you. Put the object in your hand holding it tight in your fist. Let the young children see if they can get it out of your hand. They won’t be able to. Explain how we are precious to God and that Jesus said “no one can take us out of his hand.” (John 10:22-30)
Objects needed: Some small valuable object such as a ring, a coin, or precious stone. If you have a locket with a picture of your children that would be even better.
Children’s Sermon: Good Morning children. I want to show you something that is very valuable to me. This is gold coin that my grandmother gave me. It’s worth a lot of money and it also has special value to me because it was a gift from my dear grandmother Gertrude. I certainly wouldn’t want anyone to take it from me. Who here thinks they are pretty strong? (A number of the children will put up their hands.) Do you want to see if you can get this out of my hand? O.K. Here you go. Try your best! Hmmm. You couldn’t do it. Is there someone else that would like to try? Fine. Here you go. (Note: Make sure they don’t have extra help. When I did this one of the older children took out a sharp pencil to help.) Well, it looks like you tried pretty hard but you still couldn’t do it. In our bible reading today from the Gospel of John Jesus said that he would keep his followers safe in his hand and that no one could take them from him. (Hold up your clenched hand with the object inside.) You couldn’t take the coin out of my hand because I’m much older and stronger than you. But think of how Jesus is much more powerful that all of us. He has all the power of God and the bible says that no one can take us away from him. That is very good news. No one has the power to take us out of the love and care of Jesus Christ.
Children’s Prayer: Dear God, as your children we are so thankful that you and your son Jesus have us safe in your care and love. Help us to remember that even when we are going through hard times we are always held safe and secure in your love. In Jesus’ name – Amen!
Copyright Andrew Hewlett 2010 Feel free to use this children's story on Sunday morning or at Children's church but please give credit to and consider linking to this site. A.H.
Copyright Andrew Hewlett 2010 Feel free to use this children's story on Sunday morning or at Children's church but please give credit to and consider linking to this site. A.H.