Clever Church Signs 
Some of these church signs are a little corny but what the heck!
Life is a puzzle -Come here to find the missing peace
Open on Sundays
Does your spiritual house need a spring cleaning?
Be an organ donor – Give your heart to Jesus.
God doesn’t just want shares in your life. He wants controlling interest.
The wages of sin have never been reduced.
We don’t know what tomorrow holds but we do know who holds tomorrow.
Pray now of pay later
God and one person is always a majority
It’s just as important to know whose we are as much as who we are.
Come to church weekly, not weakly.
The best things in life aren’t things.
There are many books that inform. The bible can transform.
Good Friday: Jesus built a bridge with two beams and some nails.
If you are going to talk the talk you’ve got to walk the walk.
Seven days without prayer makes one week.
If your faith won’t get you to church, your faith won’t get you to heaven.
Better give God what’s right, not what’s left.