Children's Story on Jesus the bread of Life
Object Lesson for Sunday School or Children's Church: John 6:24-35

Children's Sermon Idea: Jesus is the bread of life.
Objects needed: Staff of bread or bread buns, several random household items.
Something to symbolize Jesus (Picture of Jesus or a cross)
Basic idea: Show the children that there is a “stomach” hunger that food can satisfy but there is also a “life” hunger that only Jesus (the bread of life) can satisfy.
Full Story: Good morning Children! This morning I want you to imagine that you are really hungry. Imagine that you haven’t had any food for two days. What would that be like? How would your stomach feel? I’m going to show you some things and I want you to respond by all saying YES and nodding, or all saying NO and shaking your head. Ready? Here we go. Now, what if I gave you this (pull out an object – a wrench). Would that help you? No it wouldn’t. What about this (pull out another object – a hat). Would this satisfy you? No! It wouldn’t. (Continue on with some toys or other objects). Then pull out the bread. What about this bread? YES! You’re right! When we are hungry in our stomachs we need food, like this bread. Only food will satisfy that type of hunger.
This morning children I want to tell you about another type of hunger. It is a hunger for LIFE – a hunger for meaning, for peace, for love. This hunger for real LIFE, the life God gives cannot be filled with things (hold up some items, toys, etc.) The bible says that only Jesus can satisfy that type of hunger. The bible says that Jesus is the Bread of Life. We need this type of bread (hold up the rolls or buns) or food to fill our stomachs and make us healthy. We also need Jesus (hold a picture of Jesus or a cross) who is the bread or food for the true, wonderful, true LIFE that God has for us.
Pray: Thank you God for provide a way that both types of hunger can be satisfied. We have food, such as bread, to fill our stomachs and to make our bodies work properly. Thank you God for also sending Jesus. He is the Bread of Life. Thank you that he is the one who can satisfy our hunger for a life of joy, love, peace and purpose. Help us to trust him, follow him and know him as our friend. We ask this in the name of Jesus – the Bread of Life! Amen.
Copyright 2009 Feel free to use this story on Sunday morning but please give credit to and consider linking to this page. Thank you. A.H.