Advent Children's Sermon - Be Ready for Christ's Return
Children's bible talk - Advent – Ready for Christ’s return Luke 21:25-36Be ready for the second coming of Jesus!
Children's sermon idea for churchor Sunday school: The Bible tells us that Jesus could return any time and that we need to be ready. With the use of various cleaning utensils discuss how we would want to have our house and ourselves clean and in order if we knew an important person was going to visit us. To prepare for the return of Jesus we need to make sure our hearts are in order (Luke 21:34) and that our lives are pleasing to him.Object Lessonitems: Various items used for cleaning the (1) House – Window cleaner, feather duster, etc. (2) Ourselves – Nail brush, tooth brush, comb, etc.Full Children’s Sermon:Good morning children. In our church we call this the first day of Advent. It is the time if year when we remember promises about the first coming of Jesus, that we celebrate at Christmas, and also the second coming of Jesusthat is still to come one day in the future. I want you to imagine that the Queen (or President) phoned you up one day and said they were coming over to your house for a visit some day soon! Wouldn’t that be exciting? How would you prepare for the Queen to come over? (Discuss some things you could do.) I brought some things with me to show you what I would do. Do you know what this is? Yes, it’s a feather duster. I would want to make sure all the dust was cleaned up so that everything looked nice. Do you know what this is? Yes. It’s a scrub brush to help me get everything nice and sparkling clean. Do you know what this is? It’s a nice clean table cloth. We use this on special occasions. (Add:, window cleaner, large bag to pick up all the clutter, nail brush for cleaning fingernails etc.) If the Queen was coming over I would certainly want to have the house clean and everything in order. That would be especially important if I didn’t know the exact time she was coming. Imagining that the Queen is coming to our house helps us to think about this important season of Advent. The season of Advent is when we remember that Jesus said that he would return one day to earth so that we could actually see him. We don’t know when that day will be so it’s important for us to have our lives clean and in order. We don’t want our lives to be like a messy, cluttered house. We want to make sure our lives are cleaned up of all bitterness, greed, selfishness, and that we are living lives that are pleasing to God. That way, we can be excited about the fact that Jesus is returning and know his life and joy while we wait for that day.
Children’s Prayer:Thank you God for the promise that Jesus will someday return. Through your Holy Spirit, help us to be ready for that day by living lives that are pleasing to you and please forgive us when we do things that are wrong. That way we will be ready to welcome King Jesus and we’ll share in his joy. In Jesus’ name – Amen!
Copyright Andrew Hewlett - Feel free to use this object lesson on Sunday morning but please give credit to and consider making a link to this web site. Thank you! A.H. -
Advent kids sermon Prepare the way
Children' Sermon for Advent: Prepare the way of the Lord
Advent3 John1 John the Baptist - Make straight paths (Can also be used in Lent_Advent Sermon for kids: Before the children come down the isle to the front of the church place chairs, music stands, and other available paraphernalia in the isle so that it is difficult for them make their way up. Discuss with the children how this is unwelcoming. Explain how John the Baptist wanted to the people to “prepare the way” and “make straight paths” for the coming of Jesus. Discuss how we can prepare our hearts and clear out any clutter in our lives in order to be welcoming to Jesus Christ.(As part of the teaching you could ask the Children to “prepare the way” and make a straight path by removing the clutter in the isle.)Advent Object lesson props: Movable chairs, benches or music stands that can be quickly set up to block access down the church isle.Full Children’s Sermon: Good morning children! Wow. You were a little slower getting up to the front this Sunday. Why did it take you so long? (Let them respond.) I don’t know where all that stuff came from. It made it very difficult for you to get up here. It is certainly not very welcoming. Will you help me straighten out the path and move this stuff? When people come forward to read from the bible or for receiving communion, we want them to feel welcomed. Thank you very much. This morning our Advent bible reading is about John the Baptist. The bible says that he came to help people “Prepare the way” and “make straight paths” for the coming of Jesus. He wasn’t really talking about moving chairs and music stands out of the way. He wanted the people to know that they needed prepared the way in their hearts. He wanted the people to clear out selfishness, pride, and hatred so that their lives would be welcoming to Jesus. We want to do that too. As we look forward to Christmas we want our lives to be welcoming to Jesus. We can ask God to help us with this in prayer.Children’s Prayer: Dear God, please forgive us for the ways that we have cluttered up our lives with sin (Example: Just doing what we want to do and not showing love and kindness to others). Please forgive us and help us to live lives welcoming to your Son Jesus. In Jesus’ name – Amen!
Copyright 2011 Sundaychildrensfocus Andrew Hewlett PS Please "Like" this page, share a link or do whatever you can to support this site. Thank you! -
Advent sermon - Magnificat
Mary's Song about the Kingdom of God- The Magnificat -
The upside down Kingdom The Song of MaryText for Advent 4: Luke 1: 39-45(The following object lesson can be used for in a children's sermonor for an introduction to an Advent Sunday school lesson)Object lesson idea: Have some pictures of very sophisticated people and very poor and humble people. Have the children arrange them in order of importance. Kings and rulers on top and poor people on bottom. Explain how the coming of Jesus turns this world order “upside down.” Get the children to look through a magnifying glass that is held out at arms length. This will make everything look upside down. Jesus shows us that the worlds system and values are upside down.Object Lessonitems: Magnifying glass, Pictures of sophisticated people and poor people.Children’s Sermon/ Object lesson: Good morning children! This morning’s bible reading from Luke 1 is called Mary’s song or “the magnificat.” Under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit Mary is saying that her son to be born (Jesus) is going to “turn the world upside down.” To show you what this is like I’ll be using this magnifying glass. But first look at these pictures. Help me arrange them from top to bottom according to importance. (Pin the pictures on a board or get the children to hold them up.) That’s right; this person in the very fancy car would go on top. Yes, this poor person would go down here. (Get all the pictures in the “right” order.”) This certainly is the way that most people see things; the rich and famous on top and the poor and helpless at the bottom. However, the bible teaches us that Jesus turned things upside down. Jesus wasn’t that impressed by rich and glamorous people and he had a love and compassion for the helpless. Jesus saw the world very differently than other people. I’ll show you what I mean. Look at this magnifying glass. It’s used for making small things look big. But if you hold it out at arms length it makes things look upside down. (Hold it about two feet in front of the children so that they can see that it makes things look upside down.) Jesus looked at people differently. (Look through the magnifying glass at the ordered pictures) Now when I look at these pictures I see the poor people at the top and the rich and sophisticated people at the bottom. Now the famous people look like they are at the bottom and the poor people are at the top. The way of Jesus and his kingdom makes the way of the world seem upside down. If you have a magnifying glass at home trying looking through it like this. When it makes things look upside down remember that this is like Jesus’ kingdom. In his kingdom many things are “upside down” compared to the world.
Children’s prayer. Dear God, we are so thankful that even though we are not rich or famous we are still very important to you. Help us to see the world the same way that you see it. Help us to follow Jesus and live the way you want us to live even when others may not understand. - In Jesus’ name. Amen!(Note: I realize I’ve used some big words here. Please substitute words that are appropriate for your audience. I’ll fix it up when I have some time)
Copyright Andrew Hewlett Feel free to use this on Sunday morning but please give credit to Sundaychildrensfocus and consider linking to this site. A.H. -
Advent: wake up to God
Being awake to God - Ready for the coming of ChristAdvent Children's Lesson: themes: John the Baptist, Advent, Wake up, Repentance, Be alive to God, Be readyfor Christmas, Be ready for the return of Christ.Children's Sermon -- object lesson Summary: Discuss waking up in the morning and that it’s helpful to have an alarm or some other means to wake us up. As Christians we need to wake up to God too.Objects needed: A box or bag containing various items used to wake us up. An Alarm Clock, a whistle, a paper bag that can be popped, some pot lids, a cold wet washcloth, etc.Full Children's Sermon / object lesson: Good morning children. How are you this morning? I hope you are all wide awake, because that’s what I’m talking about this morning –being awake – awake to God! How are you when you first wake up? Do you jump right up out of bed and say “Let’s get going!” (Interact with the children about how difficult it is sometimes to wake up and get out of bed.) What do you do when you first wake up? Do you stretch? Do you yawn? Show me how you get up. Is it easy? No, it can be very hard because we are so sleepy. Here are some things you might use to help us wake up. Here is an alarm clock –listen to beep. (Option: Give the items to the children and let them give the wake up sound) Here is a whistle. Listen to how loud it is. Would that wake you up? Or if someone was really tired you could bang these pot lids together like this. Would that wake you up? That would blast me right out of bed. It’s important to have something or someone wake us up because otherwise we might sleep in and miss all kinds for fun things. Some people even “sleep walk.” They walk around while they are actually asleep. They really need to wake up! Well the Bible says that we can also be asleep to God. We can go about the day never listening to God or praying to God or thinking about what he wants us to do in our lives. It’s like we are asleep to God. The sad part about being asleep to God is that we miss out on all the wonderful things God has for us. We miss out on some wonderful adventures that God has for us. So if you feel like you are asleep to God we need to wake up. Let’s hear those wake up sounds again. Now those things will help us to wake up from bed but to wake up to God we need to do some other things. We can pray, and listen when we pray. God can also speak to us though reading the Bible. One good way to be awake to God is to start the day praying “Lord, fill me up with your Holy Spirit today and show me how I can live for you today.” Then we need watching for ways that God might be leading us through the day. (You could give some examples here). So children, I hope that you have a good way of waking up in the morning and that you also have a good way of waking up to God. That way we won’t miss out on the wonderful life adventures that God has for us through his son Jesus Christ.
Children's prayer: Lord God. Thank you for the wonderful adventures that you have for us in life. Help us always to be awake to you and to your son Jesus.
Copyright 2008 Andrew Hewlett If you use this story at your Sunday morning service please give credit to and consider putting a link on your church web site. Thank you! A.H. -
Children's sermon on Interpreting the Times and Seasons
Children’s Sermon on Interpreting the Times – Luke 12: 49-57
Idea for the kids talk on Sunday morning: Jesus talked about interpreting the weather and interpreting the times. Bring up various items related to different weather conditions. (ie Sun glasses, umbrella, rubber boots, sweater, etc) Describe different weather conditions and ask the children tell you what item would be appropriate for each type of weather. Give a short overview of Luke 12:9-57 and explain that interpreting the weather is important but it is even more important to understand the times and seasons of life. Conclude by telling the children that it is always the right time and season to follow Jesus.
Object lesson props: Unbrella, sweater, rubber boots, sun glasses, sun tan lotion, jacket.
Full Children’s sermon based on the Lectionary Gospel reading: Good morning Children! Look at some of these things I brought with me this morning. (Alternately, you could come out wearing some of the items!) Do you know what all these items are? Have you ever put on any of these items? Ok, now I want to see if you know when you would wear these items. What if it was a really sunny day with no clouds in the sky? What would be good to wear? That’s right. Putting on the suntan lotion would help prevent a sun burn. Yes, wearing the sun glasses would make it easier on your eyes. Now, what if it was a little bit of cloud with cold wind blowing? Yes, I think it would be a good idea to put on this sweater or wind breaker. Ok, what would I wear before going outside if I looked out and saw big, dark clouds? What should I wear with that type of weather? That’s right, it might be wise to put on a rain jacket because the dark clouds might be a sign that it is going to rain. Well done! You are all very good at interpreting the weather and knowing how to prepare.
In our bible lesson from the Gospel of Luke, Jesus talked about the importance of “understanding the times”. He said that people can look at the weather and understand how to prepare and what to do. But for some reason the people didn’t understand Jesus and the need to follow him! They could understand what to do when the sun came out but they didn’t know what to do when God sent His son Jesus! God sent his son Jesus so we could know Him and discover his love. And we know that Jesus is alive and wants us to follow him and to discover his wonderful life.
So…When you go outside I hope you will remember to check the weather and put on the right clothing. I also hope you will remember that it is always the right time to follow Jesus (to live the way he wants us to live) and discover all we were meant to do and be!
Children’s Prayer: Dear God, help us to be wise and understand that it is always the right time and season to follow Jesus. In Jesus’ name – Amen!
Copyright 2016 Sunday Children's Focus - Andrew Hewlett. Feel free to use this kids lesson on Sunday Morning / Sunday School but please give credit to and consider linking to this web site. Thank you! A.H.
John the Baptist
Advent - John the Baptist
Lectionary: Luke 3:1-6
Object lessonand children's Advent sermon: John the Baptist sounds the alarm – be prepared Prepare the way
Children’s sermon idea: Show the children a small battery operated smoke detector. (These are very common) Push the test button to catch their attention. Discuss the role of a smoke detector and then explain the role of John the Baptist. Wake up! It’s dangerous to be ill prepared for Jesus.As a Sunday School lesson: Demonstrate the smoke detector’s loud beep.-Discuss what sort of things John could do to warn the people that Jesus was coming.-Discuss the things the children might do if they knew Jesus was coming tomorrow.-Discuss what they can do now to get ready for welcoming Jesus at Christmas and being ready for his return at any time. (What does it mean to “repent” and “wake up.”?)Object lesson items: Small battery operated smoke detector. If you don’t have one a friend or neighbor will. They can usually be released by pressing up and turning a ¼ turn counterclockwise.Full Children’s Sermon for Advent:Good morning children. Today, in this season of Advent our bible reading is about John the Baptist. John the Baptist was a messenger sent to prepare the way for the coming of Jesus. He knew Jesus was coming and that the people needed to get ready. This morning I brought something from home that is designed to wake us up and get us ready. (Hold up the smoke detector). Do you know what this is? It’s a smoke detector. It’s designed to make a loud beep if it detects smoke from a fire. That way, if a fire started in your house late at night it would beep loudly, wake you up, and then you could get to safety. Listen to the loud beep. (Push the center test button to sound the alarm. Or, you could hold a match underneath, blow it out, and let the smoke trigger the sound. You could ask them to pretend to be asleep before sounding the alarm. ) That really woke you up didn’t it!The smoke detector wakes us up and warns us that we’d better get ready and go to safety. John the Baptist was a bit like this smoke detector. A long time ago many of the people living in Israel were not thinking about being right with God. John the Baptist sounded the alarm, by saying “wake up,” “repent” and get ready for the Savior. This took place many years ago in Israel but John’s message is important for us today. If we are being asleep to God it’s important that we wake up. I think it is especially important at this time of year when we are getting ready for Christmas. At Christmas time it is especially important that we are living in such a way that our hearts are open to Jesus Christ. We certainly couldn’t have Christmas without Jesus Christ. Also, if we wake up to God and live lives pleasing to him we will be ready when Jesus returns.Children’s Prayer: Dear God, thank you for these smoke detectors that wake us up and warn us when there is a fire. Thank you for sending John the Baptist to prepare the way and wake people up in preparation for Jesus. We know that if we have our hearts right before you we will be ready to welcome Jesus this Christmas and we’ll also be ready to see him when he returns to earth again. In Jesus Name – Amen!
Copyright Andrew Hewlett 2008 Feel free to use this at your Church Service or Sunday school but please give credit to Sundaychildrensfocus and consider putting a link to this site. Blessings, A.H. or "like" us on facebook
Thanksgiving Shoe Box kids lesson
Children's Thanksgiving Lesson - Shoe Box Sunday
Title: We have so much – let’s give thanks to God
Samaritans Purse
Themes: We are blessed, abundance, giving to the less fortunate, taking things for granted, thanksgivingSummary: Ask kids to help you pack up a shoe box for someone in need (This teaches about Thanksgiving but also promos the shoe box compassion project) As you pack items in ask if any of the kids helping you have any of the items such as tooth brush, soap, hair brush, cleanex, pencils, etc. Be amazed that all the kids have all the items! Compared to most children in the world they have so much.Time: 5 minutes – although this could be stretched out into a full length lesson.Full Story: Good Morning children! Do you see this empty shoe box? We are packing these up with things to give children that don’t have as much as we have, and I want you kids to help me pack this up. Here is a bag full of things that these less fortunate kids might like. (Open up the empty shoe box and from another container pull out an item to put inside.) What’s this? A toothbrush! Should we put that inside the box? Yes? Ok. Do any of you have a toothbrush? (Probably all the kids will put up their hands – be surprised) What! That’s amazing. All of you have a toothbrush. Wow. You know, many children in the world have never had a toothbrush. Let’s put that inside. (You can let the children help place items in the box) What else do I have here? (Hold up a crayon or pencil) Should I put that in? OK. Have any of you ever had a crayon or a pencil? What! All of you have! Wow. You are so blessed. Many children in the world have never had those before. (Keep going with a few more articles that you know all the kids will have. (It’s ok for your amazement to sound repetitious)Summarize: Most of us that live here in (your city or town) have so much compared to many children in the world. It’s good to remember how much we have and to give thanks to God. Since we have so much it’s also good for us to share with kids that don’t have the things that we have. (When the box is full close it up) There, I think we are done. Thank you for helping.Pray: Lord. Thank you that most of us here this morning have so many good things. Help us to share and help out those other kids in the world that don’t have as much as we do. (In our church I had a stack of the prepared shoe boxes up front and I asked the kids to put their hands on the boxes as I prayed) “Lord God, may these boxes bring help and joy to other children that don’t have so much. Thank you that as we share with them we can make a difference in their lives. Amen!(Copyright 2009) – Andrew Hewlett Please link to this page, "Like" it or promote this web site! Thanks - A.H.