

  • Being great - being a servant


    Sunday school lesson - Greatness - Being the Servant of all     Request of James and John


    Children’s Sermon idea: Invite the children to sit up front in the chairs used by the pastors, deacons or priests. Ask them if this makes them feel important, great, etc. Explain how James and John were concerned about sitting in the most important places and how Jesus told them that true greatness was about being a servant.
    servant of all
    Objects: Some chairs that are strategically located in a place of honour. Check this out with the pastor first!
    Full Children’s Sermon / object lesson:
    Good morning children. Our bible reading this morning is about the disciples James and John and how they were very concerned about sitting in the most important places. Where do you think are the most important places to sit in this church? Those ones there? O.K. Come up here and let’s see how they feel. (Let some of the children sit in the “important” chairs. Ask them how it feels. Does it make them feel important? Does it make them feel like they have lots of power? Compare chairs to see what one feels like it is the most important place.) These are nice chairs up front here. Our pastors pray and teach from up here and it is nice that they have comfortable chairs to sit in. They are not trying to be more important than others. However, James and John became very concerned about being in the most important places. So Jesus taught them about true greatness as a disciple. Jesus said that they shouldn’t worry about trying to be in the most important place. He said the real way to become great was by being the servant of all. In Gods eyes, being great is not about showing how important you are, it’s about being a servant. A servant doesn’t worry about looking important. A servant cares more about helping others in need even if it is never noticed. (You could discuss ways of being a servant, at school, at home, etc.) Of course Jesus was the greatest servant of all. He was even willing to give his life for us.
    Children’s Prayer: Thank you Lord for all the nice chairs we have in this church. Whether we sit in the back, up front, or over on the side, help us to care most about being a servant in our day to day lives. At school, at home, or at play help us to serve and help others following the example of Jesus. In his name we pray – Amen!
    Copyright Andrew Hewlett   Feel free to use this story on Sunday morning but please give credit to sundaychildrensfocus and consider linking to this web site. Blessings, A.H.
  • Imitating Christ's Humility

    Imitating Christ’s Humility  Kids sermon on Philippians 2: 1-13 -

    Basic kids story idea: Have fun getting the children to imitate some people in the church (How Bill plays the bass guitar, how Nic plays the drums or how Bud probably drives his car. Explain that the apostle Paul said that we should all do our best to imitate Jesus Christ. (You might highlight the way he showed loved and made himself as servant.)

    Full Children's sermon: Good morning Children! Do you know what it means to imitate someone? That’s right. It means doing the same things that another person in doing. We never want to imitate someone to make fun of them or embarrass them. That would be unkind. However, this morning I asked some people if it was alright for us to imitate them. Bill said it was ok for us to imitate him playing the bass guitar. Let’s do that now. (Have some fun with this.) Great! I also asked Nic if we could imitate him playing the drums. Ok, let’s see how you can imitate him playing the drums. That’s very good. I also asked Bud if we could imitate the way Bud probably drives his car. Let’s do that. That is very good children! You really are able to imitate different people well.

    This morning we have an important Bible message from the Apostle Paul’s letter to the Philippians. He tells Christians that they should do their best to imitate Jesus Christ! We should do what we can to live the same way Jesus did. One of the most important things about Jesus was that he showed love to people. Even though he God’s son and was a King he spent his time serving others. He would even help and serve people that were very poor or were considered by others to be unimportant.

    What are some of the ways we can imitate Jesus?(Have a short discussion about things that Jesus did that we can also do to others.) Yes, those are all good ways of imitating the life of Jesus.

    Children’s prayer:  Dear God, thank you for the many ways Jesus loved and served others. Help us to imitate him by showing love and kindness to others. In Jesus’ name – Amen!

  • kids sermon on being Clothed with Christ

     Children’s sermon on Galatians 3:23-29   

    All those who have been baptized into Christ have clothed themselves with Christ.
    Idea for Children’s Sermon: Talk about (and act out) the importance of getting properly dressed in the morning. Explain how Paul encourages us to think as though we have clothed ourselves with Christ. (My first draft here is a bit choppy and needs proof reading. However, you’ll get the drift of things.)
    Object lesson items: Various items of (important) clothing. Consider using a big warm winter coat. You could also use a football or hockey jersey that shows who we indentify with.
    Full Kids sermon: Good morning children! What is the first thing you do when you get up in the morning? (interact). When I first get up I pull on my pants. Then I go to the cupboard and get some clean socks. I put those on. (Act out and consider asking the children to act this out with you.) Then I put on some shoes. Then I get a nice clean shirt. What do you think I put on if I’m going outside on a cold day? That’s right. I get a nice warm jacket and put that on too. On Saturdays, I put this team shirt on. It shows that I’m a member of my soccer club. It also shows others that this game is important to me.
    Putting on clothes is very important. Clothes protect us from getting scratched up. Clothes also keep us nice and warm. They also help us to look nice. When I put on my soccer shirt it shows others what my favourite sport is. One of our bible readings this morning is from Paul’s letter to the Galatians. In the 3rd chapter of his letter, Paul says that followers of Jesus (actually, the baptized) have clothed themselves with Jesus Christ. Paul liked to think of actually “wearing” Jesus Christ, somewhat like we wear a piece of clothing. (If you think it’s helpful you could also explain how Paul thought in terms of having Christ “in us” and walking “with us.”) Kids, perhaps this is one way that we can think about Jesus Christ as well. When I get up in the morning I put on my shirt like this. Perhaps we can imagine clothing ourselves with Christ. Let’s pretend that we are putting on Christ. (Pretend to put on a coat.) At the same time we could say a prayer asking God to help us live for Jesus and for others to know we are on his team!
    Children’s Prayer for clothing ourselves with Christ:  Dear God, help us clothe ourselves with Jesus Christ every day of our life. Fill us with your Holy Spirit and help others see that we really do belong to Jesus Christ. In Jesus’ name, Amen!
  • Sunday School lesson: Humility

    True Greatness: Children’s Sermon – Sunday School skit /drama

    Children's Sermon on Humility
    Based on the bible reading from Marks Gospel (Mark 9:30-37)     Trinity 15
    Who is the Greatest? Give one volunteer various status symbols in order for them look truly “great” (from the world’s perspective). Have another person shine their shoes or in some way display what it is to be a servant. Explain to the children who (according to Jesus) is truly the greater of the two.
    Objects needed: To volunteers from the congregation, (1) Big hat, dark sunglasses, lots of money, other status symbols. (2) Shoe shine towel
    Good Morning Children. This morning our bible reading from Mark chapter 8 Jesus talks about greatness. What might a great and important person look like? I need two volunteers (Consider using a tall adult for the “great” person and a smaller child for the “servant.”)
    Thank you for helping me out. Mr. Brown, I think I’ll make you into a really impressive person. First of all, put on this big cowboy hat. That looks great! Now, take this first full of money (Make some out of green construction paper). Next, take these dark sun glasses to make you look extra cool. Oh, yes. Take this cigar too. Practice puffing out your stomach and pretend to blow some smoke rings. Wow! – Very impressive.
    I would also like you to put your foot up here so you can have someone shine your shoes. Carol, (younger volunteer) you can help shine the shoes of this rich and famous person. Have them kneel down and shine their shoes with the towel. Children, I’d like you to take a look at this and tell me which one of these two people is the greatest. Yes. It certainly does seem like Mr. Brown the movie star here is the greatest. (If it seems right you could ask Mr. Brown what it feels like to be considered the greatest). However, in our bible lesson from the gospel of Mark Jesus talked about true greatness. (Read the bible text out loud.) Jesus said that the one who was the greatest was the one who was the servant – not the big hotshot! Which of these two individuals looks like they are the servant? That’s right – young Carol here looks as though she is the servant. According to Jesus, Carol is truly the greatest! (Optional question: How does that make you feel Carol? How does that make you feel Mr. Brown?) This is so different than most of how the world sees “greatness.”
    Kids – we often meet people who seem very important and truly “great” in the world’s eyes. But we need to remember that according to God it is those who serve who are truly the greatest. If we want to be truly great we need to learn how to serve others. (Give some concrete examples)
    Children’s Prayer: Dear God, we thank you that even though we are not rich and famous we can still be truly great by learning to serve others. Help us to see those in need and help us serve you by serving them. In that way we will be great in your eyes. We ask this in the name of Jesus – the greatest servant of all. Amen!

    Copyright 2009 Andrew Hewlett   Feel free to use this story on Sunday morning but please give credit to SundayChildrensFocus and consider linking to this site. Blessings, A.H.


  • Whoever exalts himself will be humbled

    Simple Kids drama: -Take the lower place -  

     “Everyone who exalts himself with be humbled.” Luke 14:1, 7-14 – spontaneous drama
     Throne humilty
    Children’s sermon / drama idea: Act out this teaching of Jesus. Have several chairs up front including one that is very big and fancy. Before the service ask 3 or 4 teens / adults to help you out by squabbling over who should to be in the best chair. (Alternately, use one adult “plant” and have the children fill the rest of the chairs) Note: The idea of “humbling” and “exalting” is probably a difficult concept for children to grasp. I’ll give it my best shot by staying with the drama / parable that Jesus actually used.
    Object lesson / drama props: a number of regular chairs and one that is bigger and fancier than the rest.
    Children’s Church skit: Good morning children! Our bible lesson today is from the Gospel of Luke. In this bible passage we hear about how Jesus was invited to eat at the house of an important religious person. We are going to do a little drama to show you what happened. Now, I’ve ask Judith, Jonathan, Carol and Mr. Jones to help me out this morning. Will you come up front here please and take a seat.
    (Then stand back and watch with the children; it will be fun for your chosen actors to argue why they should have the most important place.) “Jonathan, I think you should let me take the best place. I’ve been at this church longer than you and besides those smaller chairs don’t match my colour coordinated suit… No Mr. Jones, I think you should let me be in this place because my great grandmother donated a stained glass window this church…” (They’ll get idea. When they are seated in the chairs explain to the children how this is a little like what happened that day at the Pharisee’s house) that was a bit of a silly argument wasn’t it children. But that is what happened that day when Jesus visited the house of the religious leader. They people were so concerned to pick the most important places at the dinner table. Jesus then told them a little story called a parable. I’ll show you what Jesus said to them. (Go over to the person who managed get the most important chair). Mr. Jones, I just realized that there is someone else that should have this chair. Would you please go and sit there on the floor. (Escort them out of the big chair and sit them down on the floor. Approach one of the children sitting on the floor.) Betty, you are new to this church I think you should come and sit up here in the place of honour!
    On that day at the Pharisee’s house Jesus taught the people not to worry about being in the most important place. If we always try to take the best place we will probably end up being embarrassed because we might be sent to a lower place. However, if we don’t worry about trying to look important we may be honoured by being asked to move up higher. Jesus said that if we tried to make ourselves look important we will end up being in the least important place. If we try to honour others and don’t worry about looking better than others we will some day end up in the better place.
    Children’s prayer: Dear God, help us not to worry about looking like the most important person. Thank you that all of us are important to you. Help us to do what pleases you and not worry about trying to impress others. In Jesus’ name – Amen!
    Copyright 2010   Andrew Hewlett - Feel free to use this drama on Sunday morning but please give credit to and consider placing a link on your church web site. Blessings, A.H.
  • Youth Group talk - the Greatest is the servant

    Youth Group skit  - The greatest is the servant -

    (Kids sermon based on Matt 23: 1-12)

    Youth Group Skit idea: Have two volunteers come up front. With various articles of clothing, dress up a “big shot.” (Big hat, sun glasses, cigar, fancy coat, etc. You can have fun with this. ) Ask him to puff out his chest and look very important. Choose a smaller person to be a servant with a towel and serving tray. With this visual aid, discuss what it is to be truly great. Explain how Jesus said the greatest is the one who is the servant of all.
    Object lesson items: Two bags or boxes: 1. (Rich / Important person) Big hat, sunglasses, cigar, wallet with lots of money, foot rest, etc. Consider adding huge bible or other religious items. 2. (Servant) Towel, platter / tray.
    Full Youth Group / Kids sermon:
    Good morning! Today I need two volunteers. (Pick a big strong person.) Bill, would you come up here? You are an important person. However, this morning I’m going to make you really important. Please put on this hat. That looks great. Now, try these sunglasses on and take this cigar. Do you feel pretty powerful and important? Perhaps you should also stand on this box to make you a bit higher than everyone else. Now, I want you to wait there for a minute. You can think about money, power, and how wonderful it is to be so great!
    I need a second person now. (Someone small.) Yes, Betsy. Please come up and help me out here. I know he is a little scary but I’d like you to stand next to Bill here. I’m going to dress you up like a servant who helps people. Here is a towel you can hold. That’s for washing peoples feet, washing dishes, drying someone’s tears etc. You can hold this plate in the other hand. You could use it for carrying food to someone who is hungry or carry glasses of water for those who are thirsty.
    (To the congregation / group) Here is my question for today. Which of these two people is the greatest? Bill or Betsy? Most people think Bill is the greatest. However, Jesus said it is the servant (Betsy) who is the greatest of all. (If Bill is on the ball, he will be shocked and horrified.) In our bible reading from Matthew chapter 23 Jesus said that it was the one who served others who was the greatest. God sees things much differently than most people. In God’s eyes, the servant who shows love to others is truly the greatest.
    Prayer:Dear God, help us to know true greatness by learning to serve and love others. In Jesus’ name – Amen!
    Copyright 2011 Andrew Hewlett   Feel free to use this on Sunday morning but please give credit to Sundaychildrensfocus and consider linking to this site. Thanks. A.H.
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