Coloring Pages
Kids sermon - Jesus withdrew to a quiet place to pray
The Authority of King Jesus
I will make you fishers of people
Kids Object Lesson for Thanksgiving - Cornucopia
A Cup of Water in Jesus' name
Object lesson ideas for teaching the Trinity
Mother's Day ideas for Church or Sunday School
Kids Object lesson ideas John 10:1-10 Shepherd and the Gate
Kids gospel message -The man born blind
Youth Message - For God so loved the World
Jesus transforms Peter into a Rock - kids sermon
Christmas - Jesus the Greatest Gift
Thanksgiving object lesson
Kids Sermon - Faith like a Mustard Seed
Children's sermon The Rich Fool
Mother's Day kids sermon
Jesus the bread of Life
Building others up
Sheep without a Shepherd
Children's fun lesson on coming to the light of Jesus Christ
Children's Sermon -Take up your Cross
Youth Group talk - the Greatest is the servant
Let the children come unto me
Valuable to God
Sunday School drama on the Rich Young Ruler
Being great - being a servant
Children's Sermon on Blind Bartimaeus
Childrens sermon - Love your Enemy
Children's Sermon - Feed my Sheep
Children's Sermon - Fishers of Men
Children's Story for Trinity Sunday
Sunday School lesson: Humility
Whoever exalts himself will be humbled
Render Unto Caesar - Render unto God
Kids sermon ideas for the Ascension of Christ
Children's sermon - Your names are written in heaven
kids sermon ideas - John 14 - I go to prepare a place for you
Seeing God face to face one day
Children's lesson on Evangelism
Children's skit on the Resurrection
Fun Sunday School ideas for Easter Morning
Kids sermon Doubting Thomas - Doubts
Children's skit on the Resurrection
Children sermon Doubting Thomas
Road to Emmaus Sunday School object lesson ideas
Kids sermon after Christmas - Gift that keeps on Giving
A New Year and a New Start
Children's sermon for Lent
Children's Sermon -Take up your Cross
Palm Sunday Walk with Jesus
Children's sermon - Temptation in the wilderness
Children's sermon - Prodigal son
Great list of Object Lesson ideas for Palm Sunday
Sunday School object ideas for Maundy Thursday
Holy Spirit
Children's story on the Holy Spirit
Children's sermon for Pentecost - Holy Spirit
kids sermon on the Holy Spirit Helper
God gives good gifts - The Holy Spirit
Kids sermon on the power source of the Holy Spirit
Kids object lesson - I stand at the door and knock
Kids lesson on the Cost of Following Jesus
No one can snatch then from my hand
Children's lesson on Evangelism
Children's sermon - that the world would know
If I am Lifted up - John 12
Christian Living
Building others Up - Encouraging others
Thanksgiving - Praising God
Children's sermon - Greed
Kingdom is like a Mustard Seed Children's sermon
Kingdom Priorities
Children's Sermon - Seek first the Kingdom of God
Thanksgiving Children's sermon - Cup half full
Parable of the Ten Virgins
Children's sermon - Show your love to Jesus
Children's sermon - What is a Saint?
Memorial Day Children's sermon - Remembrance
Parable of the two sons - and the vineyard
God's Love
Kids object lesson for the summer holidays
Spending time with Jesus - The most important thing!
Valuable to God
Father's Day ideas for kids who don't have a Dad in their lives
Children's lesson - God knows our name
Father's Day ideas for church or Sunday school
Church Treasure
House of Prayer
The Power of Helping Others
Free Tips!
Practical help - behavior problems in Sunday School
All Saints Day Children's sermon idea - our Family of Faith
Kids sermon - The Good Samaritan
Let the children come unto me
Children's object lesson Video on Repentance
Jesus the Bread of Life children's video
Nothing can separate us from God's Love - video
Kids sermon Feed my Sheep (short video)
Safe in the hands of Jesus - John 10:28 Children's message
Other Resources
How to involve Christian parents and care givers
Popular Sunday School Curriculums
Youth Group Games
Fund Raising Ideas for Youth Ministry
Bible quiz questions
More clever church signs
Emergency Sunday School ideas
What are the best ways to keep Sunday School kids engaged?
10 Tips to Spice up your Sunday School lessons
Technology for Sunday School teachers
Best Two-Way Radios for use at a Church
Interactive White-boards for Sunday School
Be Encouraged
Encouragement for Sunday School Teachers - Advent
Thanksgiving Encouragement
Encouragement in stressful times
Coloring Pages
Kids sermon - Jesus withdrew to a quiet place to pray
The Authority of King Jesus
I will make you fishers of people
Kids Object Lesson for Thanksgiving - Cornucopia
A Cup of Water in Jesus' name
Object lesson ideas for teaching the Trinity
Mother's Day ideas for Church or Sunday School
Kids Object lesson ideas John 10:1-10 Shepherd and the Gate
Kids gospel message -The man born blind
Youth Message - For God so loved the World
Jesus transforms Peter into a Rock - kids sermon
Christmas - Jesus the Greatest Gift
Thanksgiving object lesson
Kids Sermon - Faith like a Mustard Seed
Children's sermon The Rich Fool
Mother's Day kids sermon
Jesus the bread of Life
Building others up
Sheep without a Shepherd
Children's fun lesson on coming to the light of Jesus Christ
Children's Sermon -Take up your Cross
Youth Group talk - the Greatest is the servant
Let the children come unto me
Valuable to God
Sunday School drama on the Rich Young Ruler
Being great - being a servant
Children's Sermon on Blind Bartimaeus
Childrens sermon - Love your Enemy
Children's Sermon - Feed my Sheep
Children's Sermon - Fishers of Men
Children's Story for Trinity Sunday
Sunday School lesson: Humility
Whoever exalts himself will be humbled
Render Unto Caesar - Render unto God
Kids sermon ideas for the Ascension of Christ
Children's sermon - Your names are written in heaven
kids sermon ideas - John 14 - I go to prepare a place for you
Seeing God face to face one day
Kids sermon after Christmas - Gift that keeps on Giving
A New Year and a New Start
Kids object lesson - I stand at the door and knock
Kids lesson on the Cost of Following Jesus
No one can snatch then from my hand
Children's lesson on Evangelism
Children's sermon - that the world would know
Children's sermon - Show your love to Jesus
Children's sermon - What is a Saint?
Memorial Day Children's sermon - Remembrance
Parable of the two sons - and the vineyard
Children's lesson on Evangelism
Children's skit on the Resurrection
Fun Sunday School ideas for Easter Morning
Kids sermon Doubting Thomas - Doubts
Children's sermon for Lent
Children's Sermon -Take up your Cross
Palm Sunday Walk with Jesus
Children's sermon - Temptation in the wilderness
Children's sermon - Prodigal son
Great list of Object Lesson ideas for Palm Sunday
Sunday School object ideas for Maundy Thursday
If I am Lifted up - John 12
God's Love
Kids object lesson for the summer holidays
Spending time with Jesus - The most important thing!
Valuable to God
Father's Day ideas for kids who don't have a Dad in their lives
Children's lesson - God knows our name
Children's skit on the Resurrection
Children sermon Doubting Thomas
Road to Emmaus Sunday School object lesson ideas
Holy Spirit
Children's story on the Holy Spirit
Children's sermon for Pentecost - Holy Spirit
kids sermon on the Holy Spirit Helper
God gives good gifts - The Holy Spirit
Kids sermon on the power source of the Holy Spirit
Christian Living
Building others Up - Encouraging others
Thanksgiving - Praising God
Children's sermon - Greed
Kingdom is like a Mustard Seed Children's sermon
Kingdom Priorities
Children's Sermon - Seek first the Kingdom of God
Thanksgiving Children's sermon - Cup half full
Parable of the Ten Virgins
Father's Day ideas for church or Sunday school
Church Treasure
House of Prayer
The Power of Helping Others
Free Tips!
Practical help - behavior problems in Sunday School
All Saints Day Children's sermon idea - our Family of Faith
Kids sermon - The Good Samaritan
Let the children come unto me
Children's object lesson Video on Repentance
Jesus the Bread of Life children's video
Nothing can separate us from God's Love - video
Kids sermon Feed my Sheep (short video)
Safe in the hands of Jesus - John 10:28 Children's message
Other Resources
How to involve Christian parents and care givers
Popular Sunday School Curriculums
Youth Group Games
Fund Raising Ideas for Youth Ministry
Bible quiz questions
More clever church signs
Emergency Sunday School ideas
What are the best ways to keep Sunday School kids engaged?
10 Tips to Spice up your Sunday School lessons
Technology for Sunday School teachers
Best Two-Way Radios for use at a Church
Interactive White-boards for Sunday School
Be Encouraged
Encouragement for Sunday School Teachers - Advent
Thanksgiving Encouragement
Encouragement in stressful times
Coloring Pages
Kids sermon - Jesus withdrew to a quiet place to pray
The Authority of King Jesus
I will make you fishers of people
Kids Object Lesson for Thanksgiving - Cornucopia
A Cup of Water in Jesus' name
Object lesson ideas for teaching the Trinity
Mother's Day ideas for Church or Sunday School
Kids Object lesson ideas John 10:1-10 Shepherd and the Gate
Kids gospel message -The man born blind
Youth Message - For God so loved the World
Jesus transforms Peter into a Rock - kids sermon
Christmas - Jesus the Greatest Gift
Thanksgiving object lesson
Kids Sermon - Faith like a Mustard Seed
Children's sermon The Rich Fool
Mother's Day kids sermon
Jesus the bread of Life
Building others up
Sheep without a Shepherd
Children's fun lesson on coming to the light of Jesus Christ
Children's Sermon -Take up your Cross
Youth Group talk - the Greatest is the servant
Let the children come unto me
Valuable to God
Sunday School drama on the Rich Young Ruler
Being great - being a servant
Children's Sermon on Blind Bartimaeus
Childrens sermon - Love your Enemy
Children's Sermon - Feed my Sheep
Children's Sermon - Fishers of Men
Children's Story for Trinity Sunday
Sunday School lesson: Humility
Whoever exalts himself will be humbled
Render Unto Caesar - Render unto God
Kids sermon ideas for the Ascension of Christ
Children's sermon - Your names are written in heaven
kids sermon ideas - John 14 - I go to prepare a place for you
Seeing God face to face one day
Kids sermon after Christmas - Gift that keeps on Giving
A New Year and a New Start
Kids object lesson - I stand at the door and knock
Kids lesson on the Cost of Following Jesus
No one can snatch then from my hand
Children's lesson on Evangelism
Children's sermon - that the world would know
Children's sermon - Show your love to Jesus
Children's sermon - What is a Saint?
Memorial Day Children's sermon - Remembrance
Parable of the two sons - and the vineyard
Children's lesson on Evangelism
Children's skit on the Resurrection
Fun Sunday School ideas for Easter Morning
Kids sermon Doubting Thomas - Doubts
Children's sermon for Lent
Children's Sermon -Take up your Cross
Palm Sunday Walk with Jesus
Children's sermon - Temptation in the wilderness
Children's sermon - Prodigal son
Great list of Object Lesson ideas for Palm Sunday
Sunday School object ideas for Maundy Thursday
If I am Lifted up - John 12
God's Love
Kids object lesson for the summer holidays
Spending time with Jesus - The most important thing!
Valuable to God
Father's Day ideas for kids who don't have a Dad in their lives
Children's lesson - God knows our name
Children's skit on the Resurrection
Children sermon Doubting Thomas
Road to Emmaus Sunday School object lesson ideas
Holy Spirit
Children's story on the Holy Spirit
Children's sermon for Pentecost - Holy Spirit
kids sermon on the Holy Spirit Helper
God gives good gifts - The Holy Spirit
Kids sermon on the power source of the Holy Spirit
Christian Living
Building others Up - Encouraging others
Thanksgiving - Praising God
Children's sermon - Greed
Kingdom is like a Mustard Seed Children's sermon
Kingdom Priorities
Children's Sermon - Seek first the Kingdom of God
Thanksgiving Children's sermon - Cup half full
Parable of the Ten Virgins
Father's Day ideas for church or Sunday school
Church Treasure
House of Prayer
The Power of Helping Others
Free Tips!
Practical help - behavior problems in Sunday School
All Saints Day Children's sermon idea - our Family of Faith
Kids sermon - The Good Samaritan
Let the children come unto me
Children's object lesson Video on Repentance
Jesus the Bread of Life children's video
Nothing can separate us from God's Love - video
Kids sermon Feed my Sheep (short video)
Safe in the hands of Jesus - John 10:28 Children's message
Other Resources
How to involve Christian parents and care givers
Popular Sunday School Curriculums
Youth Group Games
Fund Raising Ideas for Youth Ministry
Bible quiz questions
More clever church signs
Emergency Sunday School ideas
What are the best ways to keep Sunday School kids engaged?
10 Tips to Spice up your Sunday School lessons
Technology for Sunday School teachers
Best Two-Way Radios for use at a Church
Interactive White-boards for Sunday School
Be Encouraged
Encouragement for Sunday School Teachers - Advent
Thanksgiving Encouragement
Encouragement in stressful times
Children's sermon on Jairus' daughter
Children's Sermon on Jairus' Daughter (Mark 5: 21-43)
: Jesus can even wake up the dead (Quick interactive drama involving the kids)
: Mark 5:21-43 Jairus’ daughter (Trinity 2)
Props: none
Basic idea
: Start by having the children show how they wake up in the morning and tell them this is a “wake up” story. Have the children dramatize the various emotions mentioned as you read through the text (concern, grief, laughter, amazement, joy)
(Note: You could have the children pretend that they are Jairus daughter. However, my wife told me she felt parents might be uneasy about then acting out that they had died!)
For this to be most effective it needs to be fairly fast paced with lots of energy and emotion.
Full Story
: Good morning children. Do you find it easy to wake up in the morning? How do you parents wake you up? Do you yawn or stretch? Show me. Close you eyes like you are asleep. Now show me what you do. “Time to wake up. It’s morning time.” (Let the children show you how they get up.) Well today our Bible reading is story about Jesus waking a child up. But what is amazing about this “wake up story” is that Jesus woke her up after she died! We can wake up people when they are asleep but Jesus proved that he could wake up people even when they are dead. That is truly amazing.
I’m going to tell you the story and I would like you to act out how the people were feeling. This story is found in Chapter 5 of Mark’s Gospel
Read through the Bible text or create your own paraphrase: Stop and gesture to the children at the appropriate times. They’ll pick up the idea quickly
(vs 22) A man named Jairus fell at Jesus’ feet and pleaded with him, “My daughter is dying please come and put you hands on her so that she will be healed and live.”
---What do you think Jairus felt like? Show me how might feel. Yes, he was
very worried.
(Look worried, bit your nails, put your hands on your forehead, etc
(vs 24)Jesus started to go to Jairus’ house to see his daughter but it was taking a long time because he stopped to talk to another person who needed healing. How do you think Jairus was feeling then? Yes. He was very
(vs 35)Then all of a sudden some people came from Jairus’ home and said. Your daughter has died.
Don’t bother
bringing Jesus. (Throw you hands up in the air)
(vs 36)Jesus kept on going and when he came to the house where the girl was he saw all the people
When he came to the girl he said that she was only sleeping. Since the people knew she had died they
at Jesus (
(vs 41) Then Jesus took her by the hand and said “Little girl, I say to you get up!”
(vs42) Immediately the girl stood up and walked around. The people were
(vs 38) Now one more thing. It doesn’t say this in the bible story but what do you think Jairus, the girls father, was feeling? Yes. I think he was
(jump for joy)
That was great acting children. It was almost like being there! Isn’t that wonderful. Even though the girl died and it seemed too late, it wasn’t too late for Jesus. He was able to wake people up even when they were dead. That’s how wonderful Jesus is.
Thank you God for this wonderful miracle of Jesus bringing this girl back to life.
Thank you for his amazing love and his amazing power. Help us, through your Holy Spirit to follow him and know him more and more each day - In Jesus’ name, Amen!
(Copyright Andrew Hewlett 2009 Sundaychildrensfocus.com Feel free to use this story at your Sunday morning service but please give credit to Sundaychildrensfocus.com and consider linking to this web site. Thank you! A.H. PS - Please "Like" this on your social media site.
John 3;16 For God so loved the world
Kids Sermon: For God so Loved the World John 3:16
John 3:16 (2
Sunday in Lent – for those who follow the revised common lectionary)
Children’s gospel message idea:
Bring in a large cardboard sign with JOHN 3:16 in big letters. Get a helper to hold it up and wave it around like the common sight in a football stadium. Discuss the verse and why Christians hope that they can be seen on TV.
Object lesson items.
Large cardboard sign with the words “JOHN 3:16.” You could also where a toque, scarf, noisemaker and football jersey if you want to really look like a fan in the bleachers.
Children’s Sermon
Good morning children! Tell me if this reminds you of anything you have ever seen. (Hold up and wave around the John 3:16 sign.) That’s right. If you have ever been to a football game or seen one on TV you have probably seen someone in the crowd waving this sign. Do you know what it means? John 3:16 is a bible verse. It says (show them in the bible), “for God so love the world that he gave his only son that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” It is a wonderful bible verse because it tells us of God’s wonderful love for the world and that Jesus has opened the way for us to have eternal life! By trusting in Jesus we can have a wonderful life now and that goes on for ever and ever! That is a wonderful message that needs to get out to the whole world. Some Christians came up with the idea that by holding up the sign at football games where there are many people. They are hoping that people at the game might become curious and look up John 3:16 in the bible. They are also hoping that it might get on the TV camera and go out to the whole world!
I think it is a wonderful way of helping others discover the wonderful message of God’s in Jesus Christ. However, that may not be our way of telling others about Jesus. Each of us can tell others about Jesus and his love. If we are Christ followers, each of us is a “sign” to the rest of the world of the life and love of Jesus Christ.
Children’s prayer
: Dear God, thank you for your amazing love that we read about in John 3:16. Help us to get that message out to the rest of the world. That way they can believe in Jesus and discover his wonderful life that goes on for ever and ever. In Jesus’ name – Amen!
Copyright 2014 Andrew Hewlett and Sundaychildrensfocus.com Feel free to use this kids talk on Sunday morning but please give credit to Sundaychildrensfocus.com and consider linking you web site to this site. Thank you - A.H.
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