Children's Sermon: The Real Jesus - Don't be deceived - Don't be Fooled

Idea for the Children’s Sermon / Sunday School Lesson: In Mark 13:1-8 Jesus warned his disciples not to be deceived by false Christ’s who claim “I am he.” Bring the children forward. Have your pastor and two other “false” pastors stand behind a partition where only their voices can be heard. Ask Pastor # 1, Pastor #2 and Pastor # 3, various question and let the children pick the real pastor. Discuss with the children about being careful not to follow a false saviour.
Objects needed for the lesson: A partition, barrier or something to hide the “pastors” behind. Use your pastor or some other person well known to the children. The two other imposters could act out different personalities. One imposter could sound like a TV evangelist, and the other could be very harsh or angry. On the other hand, they could try their best to sound like the pastor.
Full Children’s Sermon
Good morning children! In our bible reading from Mark chapter 13 Jesus warned his disciples that there would be false saviours who would lie and say “I’m God’s chosen one.” He said that we needed to be very careful not to believe everyone who claims to be the saviour. This morning I want to see if you are easily fooled. Do you see that wall over their? Pastor Jones is over there hidden out of sight. There are also 2 people that are all pretending to be Pastor Jones! I want to see if you can tell who the real pastor Jones is. Don’t call out your answer right away. I’ll ask some question and you listen very closely. (Ask the “pastors” to each say hello to the children. Then ask some specific questions): Pastor Number 1. How long have you been the pastor of this church? (Listen carefully with the children). Ask the same question to the other “pastors.” Pastor number 2, Why is following Jesus so important? Etc.
Children, I trust you listened very carefully. When I count to three I want you to all call out which one you think is the real Pastor Jones. 1, 2, 3 (Let the children call out their response. If they have been attending church for a while it should be easy for them to guess the right answer. Have the real pastor come forward into view. Give the children a cheer and then have the other false pastors reveal themselves.) That was fun children. You did very well at picking out the real pastor. In life we always need to be careful who we believe and who we follow. As I said before, Jesus warned us that there would be people out in the world that would pretend to be sent from God. They would pretend to be a saviour just like Jesus. If someone tells you they are a saviour like Jesus I wouldn’t believe them. It was pretty easy for us to know who the real pastor was. However, in order that we are not deceived by a false saviour we the help of the Holy Spirit. Jesus said that he would send us the Holy Spirit and that he would guide us and lead us into the truth. Let’s pray and ask for the Holy Spirits help right now.
Children’s Prayer: Dear God. Thank you for sending Jesus to be our saviour. Thank you for his love, his life and for his church. Help us never to be tricked by someone pretending to be like Jesus. Fill us with your Holy Spirit so that we have the power to know you and to follow your son Jesus Christ -the real saviour of the world. We ask this in Jesus’ name – Amen!
Copyright Andrew Hewlett Feel free to us this story on Sunday morning but please give credit to and consider linking your web site to this page. Thank you. A.H.
Copyright Andrew Hewlett Feel free to us this story on Sunday morning but please give credit to and consider linking your web site to this page. Thank you. A.H.