
Sundaychildrensfocus - Childrens Biblical Lesson: John 11:1-45 Lazarus come out - wake up               

 Jesus Raises Lazarus from the dead

Kids sermon idea: Explain how Jesus had the power to wake up even the dead. Demonstrate different ways of waking up people; alarm clock, clapping hands, singing, banging pots and pans, etc. We can wake up people when they are sound asleep but with the command of his voice Jesus can wake up the dead. (Explain this or act it out with a volunteer “Lazarus.”)
 Jesus raises Lazarus
Object lesson props: Various noise makers: alarm clock, bell, rolled up paper megaphone, pots and pans etc.
Children’s sermon: Good morning children! Do you find it easy to wake up in the morning? Hmmm. Well, some people wake up easily and others find it hard to wake up. I have some different ways of waking people up. Many people use an alarm clock like this. Listen to the ring. That would wake up some people. Other people wake up when the birds sing outside. Can you make the sound of a bird chirping? That’s good. There are other people who sleep very soundly. They need to be woken up with something like this. (Bang the pots and pan lids.) We can wake up just about anyone if we make enough noise. However, no matter how much noise we make I don’t think we could wake up someone who had died. That would be impossible. But did you know there is someone who can even wake up the dead. His name is Jesus. In chapter 11 of John’s gospel we can read about how Jesus’ friend Lazarus died. By the time Jesus got to his house he had already been dead four days. Of course, no one else could bring him back to life. But Jesus called out, “Lazarus come out!” Let’s call that out loudly together, “Lazarus come out.” Immediately Lazarus came back to life from the dead. That’s amazing that Jesus has power to raise people from the dead.
Children’s Prayer: Dear God. Thank you the Jesus has the power to wake up people from the dead. Help us to follow him and trust that nothing can separate us from his love and power. In Jesus’ name – Amen.
Copyright 2020 Andrew Hewlett (Sunday Children's Focus) feel free to use this 5 minutes children's sermon but please "Like" this on facebook (see link top of main page) and link to this web site. Blessings, A.H.

Kids Gospel Sermon


Build your house on a Rock – not sand  (Matthew 7:21-29) 

Children’s Sermon / object lesson idea: Demonstrate the difference between building on sand and building on rock.
Get a cookie tray with high edges. Place a flat topped rock on one side and mound of damp sand on the other side. Place a small toy house on these two “foundations.” Pour water over each house. The house on sand will tip over and fall as the sand washes away. The house on the rock will stay upright.
(When I did this I actually covered (hid) the rock with a small layer of sand.)
Children’s sermon: Good Morning! Look what I brought in to church this morning. (Bring out your tray with the sand, the rock and the two toy houses.) Do you see these two houses? They both like nice sitting there. Wouldn’t if be fun if we could make ourselves very small and go inside…
Look what I have here. It is a pitcher of water. Let’s pretend there is a big flood of water from a storm. I’ll pour this water over the houses and see what happens. Uh oh! One of these houses fell over and washed away. But this house is still standing. Why didn’t if wash away? That’s right. The first house here was build on top of sand and it washed away. But the second house here is sitting on a rock. It’s very strong and the water won’t wash it away.
In our Bible lesson from Matthew chapter 7 Jesus said that some people listened to what he taught but never actually did it. They listened but didn’t live the way Jesus wanted them to life. Jesus said that those people were like this poor house here that was built on the sand. Jesus said that people who followed Jesus’ teaching would be like this house built on the rock. They would be strong and stand.
Children’s Prayer: Dear God, with the Holy Spirit help us to learn about Jesus and also to do what he taught us to do. That way we can be strong like this house built on a rock. In Jesus’ name – Amen!
Copyright 2011 Andrew Hewlett – Feel free to use this kid’s sermon on Sunday morning but please give credit to and consider linking to this site
(--Note: I’ll proof read this story tomorrow. It’s 11:45pm on Saturday and I’m falling asleep at my computer. A.H. )

Children's Bible talk - Don’t be fooled. Follow the real Jesus.   - Bible Lesson: Don't be deceived! 

Luke 21:5-19 “Watch out that you are not deceived. For many will come in my name claiming, “I am He, “…do not follow them.”
Children’s Sermon idea: Have three people hidden behind a partition. Have the children listen to various responses and have them pick the real Jesus. The real Jesus would respond with well know bible texts and the other two imposters would answer with “worldly wisdom.” (Have fun with the answers.)
 dont be led astray
Object Lesson preparation: Three individuals seated behind a partition or other barrier out of site from the children. Prepare a simple script for each individual. Have the real Jesus answer the question with scripture. You may need to ask the children to hide their eyes as your actors get into place.
Children’s Sermon / Sunday school lesson introduction:
Good morning children! In the bible reading that we have for today Jesus warned his disciples that there would be many people that would pretend to be Jesus. He warned his disciples not to be fooled by them. I’ve made a little game to see if you are good at telling the difference between the real Jesus and people just pretending to be Jesus. I’m going to ask some questions to the people behind that barrier over there and I want you to guess which one sounds like the real Jesus. (Of course we don’t have Jesus actually behind the curtain but I want you to pick out which one sound closest to the real Jesus.)
Jesus number 1. If I’m feeling worried and upset what should I do?
ANS: “Sorry Bud. I can’t do much for you there. Life’s just like that sometimes. Just take some pills or something.”
Jesus number 2. If I’m feeling worried and upset what should I do?
Good question. The key is making more money. If you make more money you’ll be happy and then you won’t worry so much.
Jesus number 3. If I’m worried and upset what do you think I should do?
Trust in me. Come unto me all you who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest
Well children. You’ve heard the responses. Put up your hand if you think Jesus number 1 was the real Jesus. Put up your hand if you think Jesus number 2 sounded like the real Jesus. Put up your hand if you think Jesus number 3 sounds like the real Jesus.
Let ask one more question…. (You get the idea)
Conclusion: You were pretty good at picking out the real Jesus. Let’s have the congregation give you a cheer! Jesus warned his followers that there would be people that would claim to be a saviour but were really just fooling people. We need to be careful not to believe everyone who claims to be sent from God. On way to help us recognize the voice of the real Jesus is to read the bible. As we read about the real Jesus in the Bible we will be able to recognize people that are trying to fool us and lead us astray.
Children’s Prayer: Dear God, help us to know your son Jesus more and more each day as we read your Word, the bible and fill us with your Holy Spirit so that we would have your wisdom and understanding. In Jesus’ name – Amen!
Copyright Sundaychildrensfocus 2019   Feel free to use this on Sunday - Please share this link and do whaterver you can to support this work. Thank you - A.H.

Kids Valentines Day Lesson Love your Enemy      Matt 5:38-48

Children’s Sermon idea: I’m doing this “Love your enemies” passage the Sunday after Valentines Day.
Explain how it’s fun to hand out valentines to your friends. Give (red cut-out hearts) to each child. Part way through ask two other individuals (adults or teens) to come up and pretend to be enemies. (You could ask them to look angry and clench their fist.) Ask the children if these enemies should receive valentine hearts from you. Explain how Jesus said to love our enemies. Give the “enemies” a heart and see how they react.
Object lesson items: Enough red cut out “hearts” for each child.   
Children’s sermon / Bible lesson introduction:
Good morning children. Did you have fun on Valentines Day? Did any of you get a valentine? Did any of you give a valentine to someone else? That’s wonderful. Giving a little red valentine heart to someone is a nice way of showing your love and care. I’m going to give each of you one of these little red hearts because you are my friends. (Start handing them out.) Oh, I just remembered that I wanted to bring up some other people. Bill and Frank, would you come up here? I want you to pretend that you are an enemy and don’t like me. Let’s see you both make a mad face at me. Wow! That’s scary. Why don’t you clench your fist and hold it in the air. Oooo. That looks very mean. Now, let me keep on giving out my valentine hearts. (Keep handing out your hearts to your friends and then stop when you come to your two enemies.) Hmmm. What should I do now? These two people are my enemies. Do you think I should give them a valentine heart? (Some children will probably say No and so will say yes.) We might think that we shouldn’t because they are our enemies and they don’t like us. But do you know what Jesus said? He said that as Christians we should love our enemies (remind your actors to keep looking mean!) as well as our friends. That wouldn’t make sense to most people but Jesus said that our love was to be a very special type of love. The love of Jesus is to go out to all people – not just our friends. (Consider reading the text from Matt 5.) So, let’s give our enemies here a valentine’s heart and see what happens. (They will probably smile.) Wow. Did you see that? He smiled a bit. We want to show love to everybody because Jesus has shared his love with us. If we do, perhaps that love will help make them a friend some day.
Children’s Prayer: Dear God, we know you want us to learn to love all people, even our enemies. That’s pretty hard to do so please fill us up with your Holy Spirit and help us to know your great love.
In Jesus’ name – Amen!
Copyright 2011 Andrew Hewlett Feel free to use this lesson on Sunday Morning but please give credit to and consider linking to this site. Thank you! A.H.

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