

  • kids sermon when two or more are gathered in my name


    Children’s Sermon: Teaching Children about Jesus and his church


    Text - Matthew 18:15-20 “Where two or three are gathered in my name…there I am with them.” 

    Basic bible story idea:
    I’m going with the idea that there is actually a way that 1 plus 1 equals 3! Where there are two or more Christians gathered Jesus is there too. Show two pieces of coloured glass. Bring them together and show them how there is a third colour where they overlap. Show the children 4 small cut out triangle. Piece them together and show how pieced together the 4 triangles make a 5th large triangle. (Like all analogies this is does not describe perfectly how Jesus is present in our midst.) Explain how when believers gather there is actually an extra person present – Jesus.
    Complete Children’s sermon:
    Good morning children!  I have a question for you. What does one plus one equal? Right. However, I’m going to show you a way that one plus one equals three! This morning I have two colourful pieces of glass with me. I have this pretty piece of blue glass (hold it up for them to see), and I have this piece of yellow glass. Therefore, you can see that I have two colours in total, blue and yellow. Watch carefully. I’m going to put there two colours together. Look what happens when I put the two colours together. What colour do you see here in between? Right. There is a third new colour, green! Two pieces of coloured glass and a third new colour. I’m going to show you something else. Look at these 4 small triangles. (It might be easiest to place these on a felt board or stick them one by one on cardboard. Show them how you can fit them together in the shape of one big triangle.) There, I have 4 small triangles here but look carefully. These 4 actually make another big triangle when they are all together. When they are all together, there are actually 5 triangles. That’s pretty amazing. This reminds me of something that Jesus taught his disciples. In Matthew 18 Jesus said that where two or more believers gathered that he was there too. Now, we know that Jesus is with us always, but in some special way Jesus is right here with us when we come together. We can’t see Jesus but he said he would be right here with us. Let’s count how many children are up here now. (Count together) Great! There are ten of us. However, we know that there are really 11 of us because Jesus is here too. Let’s pray.
    Children’s Prayer: Dear God, Thank you for this wonderful miracle that when we gather Jesus is right here with us too. In Jesus’ name – Amen!
    Copyright 2011 Andrew Hewlett Feel free to use this at your Sunday morning church service. Please consider placing a link to this site. A.H.

  • Kids talk - chosen and adopted by God

    God chose us and adopted us into His family

    Theme: God chose us and adopted us into the family of God                

    Text: Ephesians 1: 3-14 (Trinity 4) (I usually go with the Gospel but the beheading of John the Baptist doesn't seem appropriate for young kids!)
    Basic idea: Demonstrate how a child is chosen and adopted into a family. Show how God has chosen us and adopted us into his family.
    --Alternate: Involve the children in choosing some objects. Show some objects that you have chosen for some purpose. Describe that God has chosen us to be a part of his family.
    Full Story: (Find a family that is known to have adopted a child recently and ask them prior to the service if they can be used as an object lesson. Otherwise, carefully choose “actors” from the congregation.)
    Good morning children. One of our bible readings for this morning says that God has chosen us and adopted us into his family – the family of God. Do any of you know what it means to be adopted? That’s right. If there is a child who needs parents and is alone, a family can have that child become a part of their family. The mom and dad become the child’s parents and the child becomes a new member of that family. It is a very wonderful thing. I’ll show you how that works. Let’s pretend that Sally is alone and doesn’t have a family to live with. To demonstrate that we will ask her to sit up here all alone on this bench. Now over here we will ask Bob and Carol to stand up with their children. They have lots of love to share and they begin looking for a child that could join their family. (Walk the family over toward the child “Sally” that is alone on the bench.) Then they choose this child who will become part of their family. They need to sign some official papers promising to look after the child. (Pull out a clipboard and a pen and hold it in front of the parents as if they are signing a document). Now, family members I’d like you to open up your arms like this (extend your arms to the child) showing that you are choosing this young child to join your family. Now Sally, come off the bench and join this family. (Lead the child into the family’s arms.) Now Sally is been adopted into this family and is a real member. Thank you for helping me act this out.
    TRANSITION: In the same way that someone can be chosen and adopted into a family the bible says that God chose us and adopted us into his family – the family of God!
    We may have our own family that we belong to, but as followers of Jesus we have been chosen and adopted into the family of God as well. Now, I would like all the members of the congregation to stand up and extend your arms to us (the story teller and the children up front) just like the family members we had up here. Great. Let’s all walk down into the congregation (the family of God) to show that we have been adopted into this big part of the family of God. Well done. We are going to pray now but I would like the members of the congregation to keep standing with your arms extended in welcoming love.
    Pray: Heavenly Father, thank you that even though we have our own family, you have also chosen us and adopted us into the family of God – the Church. Thank you for your great love and for making us a part of this wonderful family. In Jesus’ name – Amen.
    Copyright Andrew Hewlett and   Feel free to use this story on Sunday morning but give credit to and please consider linking your web site to this site. Thank you.







  • Let the children come unto me

    Children's sermon idea: Let the children come unto me

  • One plants another waters but God makes it grow

    Church unity - Working as a Team! -

    Paul planted Apollos watered but God made it grow  1 Corinthians 3:1-9

    Basic lesson idea:  Have a pot of soil and cue up two adult helpers; one to plant a seed in the pot and another to poor water on the planted seed. Then show the children what this might look like when it grows but holding up a beautiful plant. Ask the two individuals (planter and waterer) who had the most important role. Let them argue it out. Let them do some fun boasting. Explain how each had an important part but that it was God who did the most important part in making it grow. (This could stand alone but you can make the connection to how we all work together as a team (as we grow in the church) but God is the one whole helps us to really grow as Christians.

    (Alternatively you could get children to help plant the seed and water the seed and just explain how silly it would be to argue who had the most important role)

    Children’s sermon:

    Good morning children! Look at this small flower pot that has some soil inside. I’m going to ask Mr. Brown to help plant this seed. (Mr. Brown comes over, take the seed from your hand and pushes it into the soil) Now, Mr. Jones, would you help out by watering this seed? (Mr. Johnson pour a small amount of water on the seed).

    Now children, we would have to wait a long time for this seed to grow. So, I have a beautiful plant here to show you what it might look like when it is fully grown. It is a very beautiful plant. Now, who do you think had the most important part in growing such a plant? Mr. Brown or Mr. Jones? Let’s ask them. Mr. Brown who do you think had the most important part to play in making this plant grow? Response: “Well, it’s me of course because the seed is the most important thing. Did you see my special wrist action I used when I pushed the seed in the ground?” Then ask Mr. Jones what he thinks. “No no, I had the most important role because without water…” (Let do some fun arguing) Ask the children what they think. They may say God made it grow. If not, explain how each person had an important role to play but the most important part was done by God. God made it grow! It would really be silly to argue about who was the greatest because it was God who did the miracle of making it grow!

    Explain how we have pastors, youth workers, organists etc in the church. We also have gifts that we can use in building up the church. Everyone has an important role to play. However, God has the most important role to play because he the one who really makes us grow in faith as Christians. We are all part of the church team and God has the most important job in helping us grow.

    Copyright 2017 Andrew Hewlett and  Feel free to use this at church but consider linking to this page or click the LIKE button to the left of the page.  Thanks  - A.H. 

  • Part of God's Team

     We are all part of a team - God's Team -     

    (for use as a Children's Sermon or as a Sunday School lesson)

    Children's story themes: Community, Church, teamwork, unity


    Children's sermon summary:
     Involve the children in doing a team cheer standing in a huddle. Explain what it means to be a part of a team. Involve the kids in doing a cheer unique to your church and explain how they are an important part of a team serving Jesus Christ.
    (Note: I don’t mention it here below but I used this story to welcome a new youth pastor. After doing our cheer I invited the new member to come up join in the cheer to signify being a part of the team)
    Full Story:
    How are you this morning boys and girls? How many of you are on a team of some kind? (Let the children share) Did any of you have a team cheer that you would do before the game? When I was at college I played soccer for the “Wycliffe Fighting Saints.” (add your own details) Before the game we would stand around in a circle, reach our hands into the center and then give our cheer: “…razzle dazzle sis boom bah Wycliffe Wycliffe Rah Rah Rah!” and we would raise our hands as we cheered. (Ask the kids if they had a cheer) Our soccer team many different players. We played different positions but we each had an important role to play. In doing the cheer we reminded ourselves that we were all working together on the team. Now it’s important to know that if we are followers of Jesus we are all part of his church. The Church is God’s teamthat he uses for reaching out in love to the world. Each one of use may have a different role to play (give some examples) but we are all part of the church – we are all members of the team. Because we are a team I thought it would be good to do a church team cheer. First I’d like us all to stand in a circle here and I’d like some other adults representing our congregation to come and join us to. (This encourages the kids and adds a little more energy). Ok. Everyone put your hands into the center and repeat after me the cheer that I made up for our church (In our case St. Mary’s Open Gate Church). “Open Gate, Open Gate, Rah Rah Rah – Building God’s Kingdom, Halleluiah!” (Do it again and invite the whole congregation to join in the cheer.) That was great kids. Remember you are an important member of God’s team, the church.

    Children's Prayer: Lord, thank you that as followers of Jesus we are members of a team – the Church. Help us to know the joy of working and worshiping together as a team. Amen.  (After the prayer I explained that after our college cheer we would give each other a “high five” with our hands. As the children walked down the isle to church school I had asked the adult team members in the congregation to give the kids a “high five.”

    copyright 2009     Andrew Hewlett
    (Feel free to use this story at your Sunday service but please give credit to and consider adding a link on your church web page. Thank you! A.H.)





    Children's Christian Videos, Games And Software---

  • Sermon for Kids about the Earthquake in Nepal

     Children's Sermon about the Earthquake in Nepal  


    Showing the compassion of Jesus


    Object lesson idea:(Overview -Adapted from a story I used when there was an earthquake in Haiti) 

    Display two “houses” made of small blocks of wood or perhaps marshmallows. Have one house represent a typical house in Canada or United States. This “house” could be glued together if made by wood and if made with marshmallows it could be sewed together or held together with nails or toothpicks. The other “house” would look the same but have nothing binding the blocks together. Shake the structure like an earthquake and let the children observe what happens. Explain how poor countries like Nepal can’t afford to build houses with expensive reinforcing and other safety features. Pray for the people of Nepal and involve the children in some relief or development project.
    Objects: Two small houses made with building blocks or marshmallows (see above). Reinforce one of the structures with tape, thread, toothpicks etc. (You could also drive reinforcing nail up through the piece of plywood and place marshmallows over the nails. Place the “houses” on a tray ready for an “earthquake.” A small world map or globe.
    Full Children’s Sermon: Good morning Children. In our church this morning we are praying for the people who live in a country called Nepal. It is a small country and most of the people who live there are very poor. It’s this small country here on this map. (Use a globe or projected map)  Do you know what happened there recently? Yes. That’s right. There was a very big earthquake that destroyed many buildings and homes. It may be hard to understand how this happened. I want to show you one reason so many people were hurt or killed. Do you see this tray here? I made two little houses out of marshmallows. I’m pretending the marshmallows are like building blocks of cements. This house on the left will represent a typical house in the Canada / USA/ etc. I’m pretending that this house on the left is a house in Kathmandu, the main city of Nepal.
    Let’s see what might happen if there was an earthquake. (Shake the try up a down, back and forth until the unsecured “building blocks” of the Nepal house fall down.) What happened here? Yes, this house that has a steel nail through the centre is standing strong. However, this house here fell completely down. This building was not nearly as strong as this building. This building is like many of the buildings in Kathmandu. The people are strong and hard working but they are very poor and they cannot afford to build houses as strong as our houses. When an earthquake shakes the country many of the houses fall down and many people are injured our killed. It’s very sad. As followers of Jesus we need to think of ways that we can help the people in Nepal as they try to recover from this tragedy. How could we possibly help out and support them in this time of need? (Let the children respond.) Those are all very good ideas. We can send doctors to help, we can send food and clothing, and we can send money so they can buy the things they don’t have. Later on we might be able to be involved in helping them rebuild some to the homes that have been destroyed. (Consider presenting a specific project that the church is involved with.

    Children’s Prayer: Dear God. We know that there are many people who need help in the country of Nepal. Please send many doctors and other helpers to support the people. And show us what we can do to put the love of Jesus into action and help these people in need. In Jesus’ name – Amen! 

  • Sermon for kids Widow of Nain

    Widow of Nain Luke7 - Waking up the dead -

    Children’s sermon idea: Have a volunteer come up, sit on a chair and pretend to be asleep (They can have some fun snoring, talking in their sleep etc.) Have the children try and wake them up. We can wake up sleeping people by speaking loudly or by touching them. Read the passage about the widow of Nain. When Jesus walked on this earth he was able to wake up the dead!

    Objects needed: Chair or recliner

    Full interactive kid’s story:  Good morning children! Do you find it easy to wake up in the morning? Who makes sure you wake up? How do they wake you up? Let’s look at some of the ways to wake people up. I’ve asked Mr. Jones to come up and pretend he is sleeping the way he normally sleeps. So,  Mr. Jones, please just sit here, relax and show us how you sleep. (Give some time for him to doze off, snore, etc.) Wow kids!  Do you make noises like that when you sleep?! Let’s see how easy it is to wake him up. Betty, try whispering in his ear. No, that didn’t wake him up. Mike, try saying “wake up” loudly. Hmmm. Let’s give him a shake. (Mr. Jones wakes up – give him a cheer and thank him for helping out.)  

    Well, he was certainly sound asleep. It was a little hard but we were able to wake him up. It’s usually easy to wake people up. But we can still awaken people who are sound asleep. Now, listen carefully because I’m going to tell you something truly amazing. When Jesus walked on this earth he could wake up people who were sleeping but he could also wake up people who had died! It’s almost impossible for us to do something like that. But Jesus was God’s son. He could do amazing things. He could even bring dead people back to life! Listen to this account in the Gospel of Luke. (Read the story of the Widow of Nain)   Jesus just said “get up” to the widows son and he got up.  To Jesus, bringing someone back to life was as easy as waking up a sleeping person.

    Children’s Prayer: Dear God, thank you for sending Jesus to be the Saviour of the world. Thank you for the great love he has for each of us. Thank you that he even has the power to bring dead people back to life!  In Jesus’ name – Amen!

    Copyright 2016 SundayChildrensFocus  Feel free to use this on Sunday Morning but please give credit to and consider linking to this web site. Thank you!  A.H.

  • Sunday School lesson: Humility

    True Greatness: Children’s Sermon – Sunday School skit /drama

    Children's Sermon on Humility
    Based on the bible reading from Marks Gospel (Mark 9:30-37)     Trinity 15
    Who is the Greatest? Give one volunteer various status symbols in order for them look truly “great” (from the world’s perspective). Have another person shine their shoes or in some way display what it is to be a servant. Explain to the children who (according to Jesus) is truly the greater of the two.
    Objects needed: To volunteers from the congregation, (1) Big hat, dark sunglasses, lots of money, other status symbols. (2) Shoe shine towel
    Good Morning Children. This morning our bible reading from Mark chapter 8 Jesus talks about greatness. What might a great and important person look like? I need two volunteers (Consider using a tall adult for the “great” person and a smaller child for the “servant.”)
    Thank you for helping me out. Mr. Brown, I think I’ll make you into a really impressive person. First of all, put on this big cowboy hat. That looks great! Now, take this first full of money (Make some out of green construction paper). Next, take these dark sun glasses to make you look extra cool. Oh, yes. Take this cigar too. Practice puffing out your stomach and pretend to blow some smoke rings. Wow! – Very impressive.
    I would also like you to put your foot up here so you can have someone shine your shoes. Carol, (younger volunteer) you can help shine the shoes of this rich and famous person. Have them kneel down and shine their shoes with the towel. Children, I’d like you to take a look at this and tell me which one of these two people is the greatest. Yes. It certainly does seem like Mr. Brown the movie star here is the greatest. (If it seems right you could ask Mr. Brown what it feels like to be considered the greatest). However, in our bible lesson from the gospel of Mark Jesus talked about true greatness. (Read the bible text out loud.) Jesus said that the one who was the greatest was the one who was the servant – not the big hotshot! Which of these two individuals looks like they are the servant? That’s right – young Carol here looks as though she is the servant. According to Jesus, Carol is truly the greatest! (Optional question: How does that make you feel Carol? How does that make you feel Mr. Brown?) This is so different than most of how the world sees “greatness.”
    Kids – we often meet people who seem very important and truly “great” in the world’s eyes. But we need to remember that according to God it is those who serve who are truly the greatest. If we want to be truly great we need to learn how to serve others. (Give some concrete examples)
    Children’s Prayer: Dear God, we thank you that even though we are not rich and famous we can still be truly great by learning to serve others. Help us to see those in need and help us serve you by serving them. In that way we will be great in your eyes. We ask this in the name of Jesus – the greatest servant of all. Amen!

    Copyright 2009 Andrew Hewlett   Feel free to use this story on Sunday morning but please give credit to SundayChildrensFocus and consider linking to this site. Blessings, A.H.


  • Sunday school resources - The Greatest Commandment

    The Greatest Command – Love God and Love your neighbour  Matt 22: 34-46 or Mark 12:28-34

    Idea for Youth group talk or Children’s sermon:   
    Show the children a “Guinness book of world records.” Ask them is they know what is the greatest
    (fill in the blank) in the world. Test them on some fun facts about greatness. Explain how the religious teachers tested Jesus by asking him what was the greatest commandment of all. Discuss with the children how Jesus said the greatest command of all was to love God and to love others.
    Object lesson items: A Guinness book of world records. (Ask families who have children. This is a popular book. You can also find it at the library.)
    Children’s sermon/ Sunday school lesson introduction:
    Good morning children! I’m going to show you a very interesting book I have here this morning. It’s called the “Guinness book of world records.” Have you heard of this book? It is full of world record holders. It lists the greatest athlete in the world, the greatest hamburger, the greatest painter, and the greatest roller skater. (Show some pictures to the children and have some fun. Then ask them some “test” questions about greatness.) Who do you think is the greatest singer of all time? What is the greatest rock and roll band of all time?
    (You might even mention that the Bible is mentioned as the best selling book of all time.)
    Today’s bible reading from the gospel of Matthew tells how the religious leaders asked a “test” question to Jesus. They asked him what was the greatest commandment of all. Of course, Jesus knew the answer! He said that the greatest commandment was to “love God and to love others.”  He said that the whole message of their bible (the Law and the Prophets) was about the importance of loving God and loving others. That is important for us to know too. It’s nice to know who is the greatest hockey player, what is the greatest country in the world and what is the greatest book in the world. Yet, it is most important that we know the greatest commandment is to love God and love others.  
    Children’s prayer: Dear God, Jesus taught that the greatest command of all. With the help of your Holy Spirit help us to obey this command to truly love you and to love others. In Jesus’ name – Amen!

    Copyright 2011 Andrew Hewlett  Feel free to use this Sunday morning but please give credit to Sundaychildrensfocus and consider linking to the web site.  Thank you!  A.H.
  • The Widows Mite and the Remembrance Day Poppy


    The  Widows Offering (Mite) Mark 12:38-44 including a message for Veterans  Day/ Memorial Sunday / Remembrance Day.   

     Remembrance day poppy
    Kids Sermon idea:  Hold up 2 small pennies and explain how they remind you of the widow in Mark chapter 12 who  “Gave everything she had.” Hold up a poppy and explain how this reminds you of soldiers who “gave everything they had.”   (Using the the Lectionary lesson for the day to lead into a Remembrance Day lesson.)
    Object lesson items:  2 pennies or cooper coins and a Remembrance Day poppy. (or other Veterans Day item)
    Childrens Sermon:
    Good morning children! Look what I have here this morning. In this hand you can see that I have 2 small pennies. In this other hand you can see that I have a red poppy.
    The two pennies here remind me of the poor widow mentioned by Jesus in the 12th chapter on Mark. People were giving large amount of money into the offering box at the temple (their “church”). A poor older widow then put in 2 small pennies. These two pennies were not worth very much but Jesus said that she gave more than everyone else. Jesus said that she gave the most because she gave everything she had! So this morning, these 2 pennies remind me of this poor widow who was so generous that she gave everything she had.
    This poppy also reminds me of some people who gave everything they had. This poppy reminds us of the men and women who gave their lives so that we could live in freedom. The red colour of the poppy reminds us of soldiers’ blood. Today is Veterans Day (Remembrance Day) and we remember the many men and women who fought and died in the great wars. We thank God that they gave everything they had so that we could live in peace.
    Children’s Prayer: Dear God, thank you for the faith of this elderly widow who was willing to give everything she had to God. We also thank you God for the men and women who died at war so that we could live in freedom and peace. 

    Copyright 2012 Andrew Hewlett &   Feel free to use this at a Sunday Service but please give credit to SundayChildrensfocus and consider linking to this site.  Blessings, A.H.

  • Valuable to God

    Theme: We are precious to God  - 

    (The basic idea of this story comes from an object lessonI saw someone do at summer camp 20 years ago)

    Children's Sermon idea: Take a 20 dollar bill and bend it, fold it, throw it on the floor and step on it. Would you still want this 20 dollar bill? If course you would. It’s still valuable no matter what shape it’s in.
    Objects needed: Ten or twenty dollar bill
    Full Object Lesson: Good Morning Children. Do you know what this is? (Hold up the 20 dollar bill) That’s right. It’s a twenty dollar bill. Who would like to have this nice twenty dollar bill? I bet you would, but I’m sorry to say I don’t know if I want to give it away because it’s valuable. Now what if I took this twenty dollar bill and folded it us like this. (Fold it in half a few times) Would you still want it? (Let the children respond) What if I scrunched it up very small like this? Would you still like to have it then? (Let children respond) Really? You’d still want it? How about if I scrunched it up and threw it on the floor and stepped on it? Would you want it then? (Let them respond again) Why would you still want this old bill? (Let them respond again.) That right! Even if this bill is scrunched up, folded up, banged around and stepped on it is still valuable.
    TRANSITION: I hope you know children that each one of us is precious / valuable to God. We may feel a bit like this poor twenty dollar bill. Sometimes we feel we have been beaten up, scrunched up, stepped on and kicked around. But no matter what, we are still valuable to God. The Bible says that God loves us and we are always valuable to Him.
    Children's Prayer: Thank you that we are valuable to you God. Sometimes others may make fun of us and hurt us and sometime we make mistakes and hurt ourselves. Thank you God, that we are always valuable to you.


  • Whoever exalts himself will be humbled

    Simple Kids drama: -Take the lower place -  

     “Everyone who exalts himself with be humbled.” Luke 14:1, 7-14 – spontaneous drama
     Throne humilty
    Children’s sermon / drama idea: Act out this teaching of Jesus. Have several chairs up front including one that is very big and fancy. Before the service ask 3 or 4 teens / adults to help you out by squabbling over who should to be in the best chair. (Alternately, use one adult “plant” and have the children fill the rest of the chairs) Note: The idea of “humbling” and “exalting” is probably a difficult concept for children to grasp. I’ll give it my best shot by staying with the drama / parable that Jesus actually used.
    Object lesson / drama props: a number of regular chairs and one that is bigger and fancier than the rest.
    Children’s Church skit: Good morning children! Our bible lesson today is from the Gospel of Luke. In this bible passage we hear about how Jesus was invited to eat at the house of an important religious person. We are going to do a little drama to show you what happened. Now, I’ve ask Judith, Jonathan, Carol and Mr. Jones to help me out this morning. Will you come up front here please and take a seat.
    (Then stand back and watch with the children; it will be fun for your chosen actors to argue why they should have the most important place.) “Jonathan, I think you should let me take the best place. I’ve been at this church longer than you and besides those smaller chairs don’t match my colour coordinated suit… No Mr. Jones, I think you should let me be in this place because my great grandmother donated a stained glass window this church…” (They’ll get idea. When they are seated in the chairs explain to the children how this is a little like what happened that day at the Pharisee’s house) that was a bit of a silly argument wasn’t it children. But that is what happened that day when Jesus visited the house of the religious leader. They people were so concerned to pick the most important places at the dinner table. Jesus then told them a little story called a parable. I’ll show you what Jesus said to them. (Go over to the person who managed get the most important chair). Mr. Jones, I just realized that there is someone else that should have this chair. Would you please go and sit there on the floor. (Escort them out of the big chair and sit them down on the floor. Approach one of the children sitting on the floor.) Betty, you are new to this church I think you should come and sit up here in the place of honour!
    On that day at the Pharisee’s house Jesus taught the people not to worry about being in the most important place. If we always try to take the best place we will probably end up being embarrassed because we might be sent to a lower place. However, if we don’t worry about trying to look important we may be honoured by being asked to move up higher. Jesus said that if we tried to make ourselves look important we will end up being in the least important place. If we try to honour others and don’t worry about looking better than others we will some day end up in the better place.
    Children’s prayer: Dear God, help us not to worry about looking like the most important person. Thank you that all of us are important to you. Help us to do what pleases you and not worry about trying to impress others. In Jesus’ name – Amen!
    Copyright 2010   Andrew Hewlett - Feel free to use this drama on Sunday morning but please give credit to and consider placing a link on your church web site. Blessings, A.H.
  • Youth Group talk - the Greatest is the servant

    Youth Group skit  - The greatest is the servant -

    (Kids sermon based on Matt 23: 1-12)

    Youth Group Skit idea: Have two volunteers come up front. With various articles of clothing, dress up a “big shot.” (Big hat, sun glasses, cigar, fancy coat, etc. You can have fun with this. ) Ask him to puff out his chest and look very important. Choose a smaller person to be a servant with a towel and serving tray. With this visual aid, discuss what it is to be truly great. Explain how Jesus said the greatest is the one who is the servant of all.
    Object lesson items: Two bags or boxes: 1. (Rich / Important person) Big hat, sunglasses, cigar, wallet with lots of money, foot rest, etc. Consider adding huge bible or other religious items. 2. (Servant) Towel, platter / tray.
    Full Youth Group / Kids sermon:
    Good morning! Today I need two volunteers. (Pick a big strong person.) Bill, would you come up here? You are an important person. However, this morning I’m going to make you really important. Please put on this hat. That looks great. Now, try these sunglasses on and take this cigar. Do you feel pretty powerful and important? Perhaps you should also stand on this box to make you a bit higher than everyone else. Now, I want you to wait there for a minute. You can think about money, power, and how wonderful it is to be so great!
    I need a second person now. (Someone small.) Yes, Betsy. Please come up and help me out here. I know he is a little scary but I’d like you to stand next to Bill here. I’m going to dress you up like a servant who helps people. Here is a towel you can hold. That’s for washing peoples feet, washing dishes, drying someone’s tears etc. You can hold this plate in the other hand. You could use it for carrying food to someone who is hungry or carry glasses of water for those who are thirsty.
    (To the congregation / group) Here is my question for today. Which of these two people is the greatest? Bill or Betsy? Most people think Bill is the greatest. However, Jesus said it is the servant (Betsy) who is the greatest of all. (If Bill is on the ball, he will be shocked and horrified.) In our bible reading from Matthew chapter 23 Jesus said that it was the one who served others who was the greatest. God sees things much differently than most people. In God’s eyes, the servant who shows love to others is truly the greatest.
    Prayer:Dear God, help us to know true greatness by learning to serve and love others. In Jesus’ name – Amen!
    Copyright 2011 Andrew Hewlett   Feel free to use this on Sunday morning but please give credit to Sundaychildrensfocus and consider linking to this site. Thanks. A.H.
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