

Advent - John the Baptist           Lectionary: Luke 3:1-6

Object lesson and children's Advent sermon: John the Baptist sounds the alarm – be prepared  
Prepare the way
john the baptist alarm warning

Children’s sermon idea: Show the children a small battery operated smoke detector. (These are very common) Push the test button to catch their attention. Discuss the role of a smoke detector and then explain the role of John the Baptist. Wake up! It’s dangerous to be ill prepared for Jesus.
As a Sunday School lesson: Demonstrate the smoke detector’s loud beep.
-Discuss what sort of things John could do to warn the people that Jesus was coming.
-Discuss the things the children might do if they knew Jesus was coming tomorrow.
-Discuss what they can do now to get ready for welcoming Jesus at Christmas and being ready for his return at any time. (What does it mean to “repent” and “wake up.”?)
Object lesson items: Small battery operated smoke detector. If you don’t have one a friend or neighbor will. They can usually be released by pressing up and turning a ¼ turn counterclockwise.
Full Children’s Sermon for Advent:
Good morning children. Today, in this season of Advent our bible reading is about John the Baptist. John the Baptist was a messenger sent to prepare the way for the coming of Jesus. He knew Jesus was coming and that the people needed to get ready. This morning I brought something from home that is designed to wake us up and get us ready. (Hold up the smoke detector). Do you know what this is? It’s a smoke detector. It’s designed to make a loud beep if it detects smoke from a fire. That way, if a fire started in your house late at night it would beep loudly, wake you up, and then you could get to safety. Listen to the loud beep. (Push the center test button to sound the alarm. Or, you could hold a match underneath, blow it out, and let the smoke trigger the sound. You could ask them to pretend to be asleep before sounding the alarm. ) That really woke you up didn’t it!
The smoke detector wakes us up and warns us that we’d better get ready and go to safety. John the Baptist was a bit like this smoke detector. A long time ago many of the people living in Israel were not thinking about being right with God. John the Baptist sounded the alarm, by saying “wake up,” “repent” and get ready for the Savior. This took place many years ago in Israel but John’s message is important for us today. If we are being asleep to God it’s important that we wake up. I think it is especially important at this time of year when we are getting ready for Christmas. At Christmas time it is especially important that we are living in such a way that our hearts are open to Jesus Christ. We certainly couldn’t have Christmas without Jesus Christ. Also, if we wake up to God and live lives pleasing to him we will be ready when Jesus returns.
Children’s Prayer: Dear God, thank you for these smoke detectors that wake us up and warn us when there is a fire. Thank you for sending John the Baptist to prepare the way and wake people up in preparation for Jesus. We know that if we have our hearts right before you we will be ready to welcome Jesus this Christmas and we’ll also be ready to see him when he returns to earth again. In Jesus Name – Amen!

Copyright   Andrew Hewlett 2008 Feel free to use this at your Church Service or Sunday school but please give credit to Sundaychildrensfocus and consider putting a link to this site. Blessings, A.H.  or "like" us on facebook



Children's bible talk - Advent – Ready for Christ’s return  
Luke 21:25-36  

 Be ready for the second coming of Jesus!     
 Advent cleaning
Children's sermon idea for church or Sunday school: The Bible tells us that Jesus could return any time and that we need to be ready. With the use of various cleaning utensils discuss how we would want to have our house and ourselves clean and in order if we knew an important person was going to visit us. To prepare for the return of Jesus we need to make sure our hearts are in order (Luke 21:34) and that our lives are pleasing to him.
Object Lesson items: Various items used for cleaning the (1) House – Window cleaner, feather duster, etc.   (2) Ourselves – Nail brush, tooth brush, comb, etc.
Full Children’s Sermon:
Good morning children. In our church we call this the first day of Advent. It is the time if year when we remember promises about the first coming of Jesus, that we celebrate at Christmas, and also the second coming of Jesus that is still to come one day in the future. I want you to imagine that the Queen (or President) phoned you up one day and said they were coming over to your house for a visit some day soon! Wouldn’t that be exciting? How would you prepare for the Queen to come over? (Discuss some things you could do.) I brought some things with me to show you what I would do. Do you know what this is? Yes, it’s a feather duster. I would want to make sure all the dust was cleaned up so that everything looked nice. Do you know what this is? Yes. It’s a scrub brush to help me get everything nice and sparkling clean. Do you know what this is? It’s a nice clean table cloth. We use this on special occasions. (Add:, window cleaner, large bag to pick up all the clutter, nail brush for cleaning fingernails etc.) If the Queen was coming over I would certainly want to have the house clean and everything in order. That would be especially important if I didn’t know the exact time she was coming. Imagining that the Queen is coming to our house helps us to think about this important season of Advent. The season of Advent is when we remember that Jesus said that he would return one day to earth so that we could actually see him. We don’t know when that day will be so it’s important for us to have our lives clean and in order. We don’t want our lives to be like a messy, cluttered house. We want to make sure our lives are cleaned up of all bitterness, greed, selfishness, and that we are living lives that are pleasing to God. That way, we can be excited about the fact that Jesus is returning and know his life and joy while we wait for that day.

Children’s Prayer:
Thank you God for the promise that Jesus will someday return. Through your Holy Spirit, help us to be ready for that day by living lives that are pleasing to you and please forgive us when we do things that are wrong. That way we will be ready to welcome King Jesus and we’ll share in his joy. In Jesus’ name – Amen!

Copyright   Andrew Hewlett  - Feel free to use this object lesson on Sunday morning but please give credit to  and consider making a link to this web site. Thank you!  A.H.



Children's Sermon: The Real Jesus - Don't be deceived - Don't be Fooled     

Idea for the Children’s Sermon / Sunday School Lesson
: In Mark 13:1-8 Jesus warned his disciples not to be deceived by false Christ’s who claim “I am he.” Bring the children forward. Have your pastor and two other “false” pastors stand behind a partition where only their voices can be heard. Ask Pastor # 1, Pastor #2 and Pastor # 3, various question and let the children pick the real pastor. Discuss with the children about being careful not to follow a false saviour.
Objects needed for the lesson: A partition, barrier or something to hide the “pastors” behind. Use your pastor or some other person well known to the children. The two other imposters could act out different personalities. One imposter could sound like a TV evangelist, and the other could be very harsh or angry. On the other hand, they could try their best to sound like the pastor.
Full Children’s Sermon
Good morning children! In our bible reading from Mark chapter 13 Jesus warned his disciples that there would be false saviours who would lie and say “I’m God’s chosen one.” He said that we needed to be very careful not to believe everyone who claims to be the saviour. This morning I want to see if you are easily fooled. Do you see that wall over their? Pastor Jones is over there hidden out of sight. There are also 2 people that are all pretending to be Pastor Jones! I want to see if you can tell who the real pastor Jones is. Don’t call out your answer right away. I’ll ask some question and you listen very closely. (Ask the “pastors” to each say hello to the children. Then ask some specific questions): Pastor Number 1. How long have you been the pastor of this church? (Listen carefully with the children). Ask the same question to the other “pastors.” Pastor number 2, Why is following Jesus so important? Etc.
Children, I trust you listened very carefully. When I count to three I want you to all call out which one you think is the real Pastor Jones. 1, 2, 3 (Let the children call out their response. If they have been attending church for a while it should be easy for them to guess the right answer. Have the real pastor come forward into view. Give the children a cheer and then have the other false pastors reveal themselves.) That was fun children. You did very well at picking out the real pastor. In life we always need to be careful who we believe and who we follow. As I said before, Jesus warned us that there would be people out in the world that would pretend to be sent from God. They would pretend to be a saviour just like Jesus. If someone tells you they are a saviour like Jesus I wouldn’t believe them. It was pretty easy for us to know who the real pastor was. However, in order that we are not deceived by a false saviour we the help of the Holy Spirit. Jesus said that he would send us the Holy Spirit and that he would guide us and lead us into the truth. Let’s pray and ask for the Holy Spirits help right now.
Children’s Prayer: Dear God. Thank you for sending Jesus to be our saviour. Thank you for his love, his life and for his church. Help us never to be tricked by someone pretending to be like Jesus. Fill us with your Holy Spirit so that we have the power to know you and to follow your son Jesus Christ -the real saviour of the world. We ask this in Jesus’ name – Amen!

Copyright  Andrew Hewlett  Feel free to us this story on Sunday morning but please give credit to and consider linking your web site to this page.  Thank you. A.H.



Children's gospel talk - A cup of Cold water in Christ's name



Children's Sermon or Sunday School lesson - Serving others  


Object lesson idea: Small acts of kindness are important. - Show objects representative of big ways of helping others. Compare this to a simple cup of cold water and explain that even doing small things (such as giving a cup of water in the name of Jesus) are still very important to others and to God.
Objects: Some suggestions: Doctors stethoscope, Tool Box, Scientists microscope, Firefighters hat, etc.

Children’s object lesson: Mark 9:38-50 Trinity 16

Good Morning Children. This morning I’m thinking about some important ways for serving others and doing the sort things that would honour/ bless God. Do you know what this is? Yes, it’s a microscope. Scientist often use microscopes. I would love to be a scientist and find a cure for cancer or some other disease that hurts people. Do you know what this thing is? Yes, it’s called a stethoscope. Doctors and nurses us it to check up on people who have some illness. I would love to be a doctor and help people get better all over the world. Look at this here. It’s a tool box. What good things could a carpenter build? Those are good ideas. I would like to build a big school in a place where children had no school to go to. What else could we build that would help people?
We’ve have talked about some great ways of serving God and serving others. Maybe some day you will be a doctor or a scientist or a builder / carpenter. However, in the bible reading we have today Jesus said that even the small things we do for one another are important. Look at this glass of water. Jesus said that even if we “give a cup of water” to someone in need it’s important (and God will reward us). (Read out the text from Mark 9) Helping others in small way is still very important. God notices all the very small things we do for others. He even promises that in some way we will be rewarded.
Children’s Prayer -Serving others: Dear God. I pray that someday these children will help make big changes in the world. But I thank you that even when we are young we can still do important things that help others.
Help us, through your Holy Spirit, to do those small things that will bless others and bless you as well. In Jesus’ name. Amen!

Copyright 2009 Andrew Hewlett  Feel free to use this lesson on Sunday morning but please give credit to and consider linking to this site.  Thank you.  A.H.
cup of water Jesus name


Sunday Lesson – Children’s sermon: Take up your Cross

Show the children a small cross. Show them a full size cross and remind them of how hard it would be to carry a real life size cross. Taking up our cross and following Jesus is sometimes hard and sometimes it hurts. Mark 8: 27-38 Trinity 14
Object lesson props: small ornamental cross or necklace, large cross (made out of old 2x4s, 4x4s, or even better 6x6s!)take up cross
Children’s sermon: Good Morning Children. This morning one of our bible readings is from Mark chapter 7 where Jesus told his disciples to “take up their cross” and “follow him (Jesus).” (Consider reading the text out loud.) Hmmm. I wonder what he meant?
Look at this cross I have here in my hand. This would be pretty easy to “take up and carry.” Hold this cross in your hands. Do you agree that this cross would be easy to carry around? If this is the type of cross that Jesus was taking about when he said “take up your cross and follow me,” then following Jesus would be pretty easy. But of course this is just a small cross. The cross that Jesus suffered and died on was a very big cross.
(Carry out the life size cross) Look at the size of this cross. Even this one was not as big as the real cross that Jesus had to carry before he died. Feel how heavy it is. (Let some of the children pick it up.) Do you think this cross would be harder to carry around than this little one? When Jesus said we needed to “take up our cross and follow him” he was trying to tell us that following him would sometimes be hard and would sometimes hurt.
These small crosses are to remind us of the big cross that Jesus had to carry and also remind us of how he suffered and laid down his life for us in love. Crosses also remind us that when we follow Jesus it will sometimes hurt – it may even sometime feel like we are dying! So, when you think of the cross, think of the big heavy cross that Jesus had to carry. Think of his love. And remember that following him is not always easy and is even sometimes painful. (Idea: If you had time you could discuss some examples of how following Jesus is sometime inconvenient and sometimes painful.)
Pray: Thank you God that Jesus loved us so much he was willing to take up his cross and suffer for us. Help us to be willing to “take up our own cross” and suffer for Jesus. Thank you God for your great love and for your Holy Spirit who will give us strength and joy even when following you is hard to do. – In Jesus’ name, Amen!
(Consider getting the children to leave the room, helping one another carry the large cross)

Copyright 2009 Andrew Hewlett   Feel free to use this story on Sunday morning but please give credit to sundaychildrensfocus and consider linking to this site. Thank you. A.H.



Children's Story on Jesus the bread of Life

Object Lesson for Sunday School or Children's Church: John 6:24-35        Bread of Life

Children's Sermon Idea: Jesus is the bread of life.
Objects needed: Staff of bread or bread buns, several random household items.
Something to symbolize Jesus (Picture of Jesus or a cross)
Basic idea: Show the children that there is a “stomach” hunger that food can satisfy but there is also a “life” hunger that only Jesus (the bread of life) can satisfy.
Full Story: Good morning Children! This morning I want you to imagine that you are really hungry. Imagine that you haven’t had any food for two days. What would that be like? How would your stomach feel? I’m going to show you some things and I want you to respond by all saying YES and nodding, or all saying NO and shaking your head. Ready? Here we go. Now, what if I gave you this (pull out an object – a wrench). Would that help you? No it wouldn’t. What about this (pull out another object – a hat). Would this satisfy you? No! It wouldn’t. (Continue on with some toys or other objects). Then pull out the bread. What about this bread? YES! You’re right! When we are hungry in our stomachs we need food, like this bread. Only food will satisfy that type of  hunger.
This morning children I want to tell you about another type of hunger. It is a hunger for LIFE – a hunger for meaning, for peace, for love. This hunger for real LIFE, the life God gives cannot be filled with things (hold up some items, toys, etc.) The bible says that only Jesus can satisfy that type of hunger. The bible says that Jesus is the Bread of Life. We need this type of bread (hold up the rolls or buns) or food to fill our stomachs and make us healthy. We also need Jesus (hold a picture of Jesus or a cross) who is the bread or food for the true, wonderful, true LIFE that God has for us.
Pray: Thank you God for provide a way that both types of hunger can be satisfied. We have food, such as bread, to fill our stomachs and to make our bodies work properly. Thank you God for also sending Jesus. He is the Bread of Life. Thank you that he is the one who can satisfy our hunger for a life of joy, love, peace and purpose. Help us to trust him, follow him and know him as our friend. We ask this in the name of Jesus – the Bread of Life! Amen.

Copyright 2009   Feel free to use this story on Sunday morning but please give credit to and consider linking to this page. Thank you. A.H.

Children sermon on the feeding of the five thousand (5000)

Loaves and fishes – John 6:1-21    fish
Interactive Drama for Church or Sunday School
Props: 2 small baskets, lots of paper cut outs of loaves and fish
Basic idea:  Using a basket and paper cut outs, show how Jesus miraculously multiplied the loaves and fish. Let the children hold the multiplied “loaves and fish” and get them to help you count them all.
Full Story:
(Cut out a large number of “loaves” and “fish” out of paper and place them in a basket. Take another basket and place the initial "5 loaves and 2 fish" into that basket)
Good morning children. I want to tell you about how Jesus did a wonderful miracle by feeding 5 thousand hungry people. You can read about this in chapter six of John’s gospel. A large crowd had been following Jesus. The people were so excited about what he had to say that they forgot about eating! It was getting late and they were starting to get hungry. A young child was willing to offer his five loaves of bread and two fish but of course that wasn’t enough for everybody. (Hold up the first basket) To show you what Jesus did I made up some fish and bread out of paper. (Pull out the 5 loaves and 2 fish so that they can see.) Of course this wasn’t nearly enough to feed everybody but Jesus asked them to sit down on the grass. Then he took that small amount of food the the child provided, (Take the 5 loaves and 2 fish and put them in the second basket. Hold the basket up high), Gave thanks to God and then distributed the food. This is when things got pretty exciting. I’ll show you what happened. Please hold your hands out in front of you so I can distribute the food. I would also like you to count out loud each time I give out a fish or a piece of bread. "One, Two, Three, Four..."(Get some other adults in the first row to help count if you think the children will be too shy. Start distributing the “multiplied” fish and bread into the children’s hands helping them count as you go. Go quickly and make sure every child gets a good handful of fish and bread. I'd keep going until you are up at around 50 or so. For special effect you could ask them to hold out their hands for you to up-end the basket and dump the rest of the "food" out.) Wow! You all have lots of fish and bread. That’s what happened with Jesus. My story uses fish and bread made out of paper, but Jesus did a miracle with real bread and real fish. As Jesus and the disciples distributed the food it just kept coming, and coming and coming until the whole crowd of people had more than enough food to eat. In fact, there was so much that there were twelve baskets of food left over. This showed the people that Jesus had God’s power. It also showed the people that Jesus could provide for their every need. It also showed how important it was for that one small child to offer to Jesus what little he had.
Pray: Thank you God for this miracle that Jesus did. He truly is more wonderful than we can imagine. He really is a wonderful Saviour. Thank you that he provided food for the people and that he loves us and can provide for our needs as well.
Copyright 2009 Andrew Hewlett and   Feel free to use this story on Sunday morning but please give credit to and consider linking to this page. A.H.



Sheep without a Shepherd

Sheep without a shepherd – For the Children’s story or Sunday school

Text Mark 6: 30-34        Lectionary Trinity 6 sheep without a shepherd
Basic idea: Have the children pretend they are sheep without a shepherd (Bleat, go around in circles and bump into one another). Then show how a shepherd can protect the sheep and lead them into good pasture.
Alternate idea: Discuss the problem of having a train without a conductor, a plane without a pilot, a classroom without a teacher. Explain why it is important for the sheep (us) to have a shepherd (Jesus).
Full Story: Good morning children. Today’s bible reading is about Jesus and his compassion and love for all the crowds of people. Jesus said he was very concerned because the people were like sheep without a shepherd. Jesus was like a good shepherd and he longed to show his love and care for all the people just as a shepherd would look after a flock of sheep. I want us to pretend that we are like a flock of lost sheep with no shepherd. (I would ask a number of young adults to come up and help be a part of the flock. It supports the children and encourages them to get involved with the actions)
First of all, let’s practice bleating like sheep (bah bah…) Good. Now I want you to walk around and pretend that you are lost and hungry. (I think they will get the idea and it should be fun). Well done. You really look like a flock of lost sheep. What you need is a shepherd to protect you, and to lead you into good pasture. (You could demonstrate this by acting as a shepherd by pulling the children (sheep) together and then leading them over to a place where they can sit down and rest.) Thank you for being such good sheep. Jesus said without him we are just like sheep without a shepherd. Without Jesus we are lost, hungry and don’t where to go. I’m so grateful that Jesus is like a good shepherd.
Pray: Dear God, on our own we are all like sheep without a shepherd. God, thank you that Jesus is a good shepherd who loves us and longs to guide us in his ways. Help us to follow him as he leads us into the wonderful life you have for us. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Copyright Andrew Hewlett and   Feel free to use this on Sunday Morning but please give credit to and consider linking to this site. Thank you! A.H.



Children's Story on Jesus sending out the disciples

Theme: Jesus sends out his disciples          

Text: Mark 6:1-13      Lectionary: Trinity 4   disciples sent out
Props: None (This is in keeping with the idea that the disciples were instructed to take nothing for the journey.)
Basic idea: A Simple interactive drama on how Jesus sent his disciples out and that he sends us (his disciples today) out into the world.
Full Story: Good Morning Children. I want to read to you a bible passage from the 6th chapter of Mark’s gospel. It’s about Jesus sending out his disciples. (Read the text – paraphrase if necessary) Jesus knew there were many people in the world that were hurting and in need so he called his followers who were learning about him (his disciples) and sent them out to bring healing. He also sent them out with the important message about turning away from sin (what we do wrong) and turning to God. Since we are also disciples of Jesus lets pretend that we are being sent out by him this morning. First of all the bible says that Jesus called the disciple to himself. He knew they needed to spend time with him first before going out into the world. They needed to know his love and his power. So come in close together. (Get the children to huddle in close) Then Jesus sent them out two by two to preach repentance (turning away from what is wrong and turning to God), teach, to heal and to overcome the power of evil.
Explain that on this journey Jesus told them not to take extra things with them. Explain that we need to remember that sometimes people don’t need “things” to help them; they just need a message (repentance and the good news of Jesus) and prayer (for healing and restoration). Those two things are very powerful. God used the disciples when they didn’t have any “things” to give. God will use us to bring life and healing to others even when we don’t have things to give. The message of repentance and faith in Jesus Christ, and our powerful prayers are of central importance in the world.
1. Small congregation: Quickly, tell the congregation that you are dividing them into two groups. Ask all the people who were born on an even numbered year to remain seated, leaning forward with their heads in their hands (these are the people needing healing). Tell the rest of the congregation to stand up and turn around facing the opposite direction. (These are the people needing to repent and turn to God).
2. Larger congregation: (Use the same idea but use only a limited number of church rows)
(Explain that the disciples will be sent out two by two and will be asked to quickly go out into the “world” to touch (in Jesus’ name) the people needing healing and that after receive this “healing touch” to stand up - representing their healing. The people needing repentance (have their backs turned) can turn around when the young disciples look at them and say “repent and turn to God.”
Set up the children in groups of twos and make sure they know what to do. Send the children out with the message of repentance and the power to heal.”
Chaos should ensue (it makes it fun) until all the people are standing facing forward. Check to make sure no one has been missed. Ask the children to gather again. Explain that this was a fun drama but that God really does send us into the world as his disciples. God wants us to share the good news of “repentance and faith” in Jesus Christ and also to pray for those in need.)
Pray: God, thank you for sending the disciples into the world to preach and to heal. Thank you that we are your disciples and that you send us into the world with the Good News of Jesus and also with the power to pray for people – that God would bring healing to then and help them in all their needs. In Jesus’ name. Amen
(Note: If some people are in wheel chairs and can’t stand up ask them to raise their hands as a sign that they haven’t been completely healed yet but they have been made whole by Jesus)
Copyright 2009 Andrew Hewlett (Feel free to use this story on Sunday morning but please give credit to and consider linking to this web site)




Children's Sermon on Jairus' Daughter (Mark 5: 21-43)

Theme: Jesus can even wake up the dead   (Quick interactive drama involving the kids)

Text: Mark 5:21-43 Jairus’ daughter (Trinity 2)
Props: none    Jairus daughter sleeping 1
Basic idea: Start by having the children show how they wake up in the morning and tell them this is a “wake up” story. Have the children dramatize the various emotions mentioned as you read through the text (concern, grief, laughter, amazement, joy)
(Note: You could have the children pretend that they are Jairus daughter. However, my wife told me she felt parents might be uneasy about then acting out that they had died!)
For this to be most effective it needs to be fairly fast paced with lots of energy and emotion.
Full Story: Good morning children. Do you find it easy to wake up in the morning? How do you parents wake you up? Do you yawn or stretch? Show me. Close you eyes like you are asleep. Now show me what you do. “Time to wake up. It’s morning time.” (Let the children show you how they get up.) Well today our Bible reading is story about Jesus waking a child up. But what is amazing about this “wake up story” is that Jesus woke her up after she died! We can wake up people when they are asleep but Jesus proved that he could wake up people even when they are dead. That is truly amazing.
I’m going to tell you the story and I would like you to act out how the people were feeling. This story is found in Chapter 5 of Mark’s Gospel
(Read through the Bible text or create your own paraphrase: Stop and gesture to the children at the appropriate times. They’ll pick up the idea quickly.)
(vs 22) A man named Jairus fell at Jesus’ feet and pleaded with him, “My daughter is dying please come and put you hands on her so that she will be healed and live.”
    ---What do you think Jairus felt like? Show me how might feel. Yes, he was very worried. (Look worried, bit your nails, put your hands on your forehead, etc
(vs 24)Jesus started to go to Jairus’ house to see his daughter but it was taking a long time because he stopped to talk to another person who needed healing. How do you think Jairus was feeling then? Yes. He was very anxious.
(vs 35)Then all of a sudden some people came from Jairus’ home and said. Your daughter has died. Don’t bother bringing Jesus. (Throw you hands up in the air)
(vs 36)Jesus kept on going and when he came to the house where the girl was he saw all the people crying (
When he came to the girl he said that she was only sleeping. Since the people knew she had died they laughed at Jesus (
(vs 41) Then Jesus took her by the hand and said “Little girl, I say to you get up!”
(vs42)   Immediately the girl stood up and walked around. The people were astonished!
(vs 38) Now one more thing. It doesn’t say this in the bible story but what do you think Jairus, the girls father, was feeling? Yes. I think he was celebrating! (jump for joy)
That was great acting children. It was almost like being there! Isn’t that wonderful. Even though the girl died and it seemed too late, it wasn’t too late for Jesus. He was able to wake people up even when they were dead. That’s how wonderful Jesus is.
Pray: Thank you God for this wonderful miracle of Jesus bringing this girl back to life.
Thank you for his amazing love and his amazing power. Help us, through your Holy Spirit to follow him and know him more and more each day - In Jesus’ name, Amen!
(Copyright Andrew Hewlett 2009 Feel free to use this story at your Sunday morning service but please give credit to and consider linking to this web site. Thank you! A.H.  PS - Please "Like" this on your social media site. 


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