Jesus can calm the wind and the waves

Kids Sermon: Jesus Calms the Storm -- (He can also calm the storms of life)

Mark  4:35- 41     Even the Wind and Waves obey him:     "Peace,  be still "

Children’s sermon idea: Sunday School or Children's Church:  Demonstrate how Jesus was able to calm the storm. Get the congregation to violently wave their hands, making the sound of wind. Ask the children to imagine being in a boat at sea. In a loud voice call out “PEACE – BE STILL” showing how Jesus had power over the wind and the waves.
Object lesson props: None   Jesus calms the storm
Full Kids Sermon: Good morning children! In our bible reading today the disciples learned that Jesus had power over the wind and the waves. The disciples were out on the sea when a huge storm came up. There were terrified when they saw the big waves and heard the sound of the wind. Then they woke up Jesus. He told the wind and the waves to calm down and right away, the storm stopped. They were amazed at his power – the power of God!
Let’s act this out to see what it was like. You can pretend you are the disciples sitting in the boat. The people out there in the congregation will be the wind and the waves. Let’s practice a bit. Members of the congregation, please make the sound of a violent wind. That’s great. Now let’s add some waves to that. We will do it again but wave your hands in the air like waves in a storm. Wow, that looks like a scary storm. Now kids, when you see the wind and the waves pretend to be very scared. I will pretend to be Jesus commanding the storm to be still. OK, we are about to start. Kids, pretend you are rowing a boat on the Sea of Galilee. Great! Now let’s have the storm start. Good. Louder still. Bigger waves. (Egg them on a bit). When the disciples saw the waves they were terrified. (Gesture to the children to look terrified.) Now just when the disciples thought they might drown they woke up Jesus. He stood up and said, “Peace, be still!” (The congregation will understand they are to stop.) As soon as Jesus said those words, the storm stopped and the disciples were relieved (whew!) They were so amazed that Jesus could command the wind and the waves. They were learning the Jesus was no ordinary person; he had the power of God!
Children’s prayer: Dear God, it’s wonderful that Jesus had all the power in the world. Help us to trust Jesus and follow him so we can know his amazing power and his amazing love. In Jesus’ name – Amen!
Copyright 2012   Andrew Hewlett Feel free to use this story on Sunday but please give credit to SundayChildrensFocus and consider linking to this site. Thank you – A.H.

Youth Group skit  -  The greatest is the servant -

(Kids sermon based on Matt 23: 1-12)

Youth Group Skit idea: Have two volunteers come up front. With various articles of clothing, dress up a “big shot.” (Big hat, sun glasses, cigar, fancy coat, etc. You can have fun with this. ) Ask him to puff out his chest and look very important. Choose a smaller person to be a servant with a towel and serving tray. With this visual aid, discuss what it is to be truly great. Explain how Jesus said the greatest is the one who is the servant of all.
Object lesson items: Two bags or boxes: 1. (Rich / Important person) Big hat, sunglasses, cigar, wallet with lots of money, foot rest, etc. Consider adding huge bible or other religious items. 2. (Servant) Towel, platter / tray.
Full Youth Group / Kids sermon:
Good morning! Today I need two volunteers. (Pick a big strong person.) Bill, would you come up here? You are an important person. However, this morning I’m going to make you really important. Please put on this hat. That looks great. Now, try these sunglasses on and take this cigar. Do you feel pretty powerful and important? Perhaps you should also stand on this box to make you a bit higher than everyone else. Now, I want you to wait there for a minute. You can think about money, power, and how wonderful it is to be so great!
I need a second person now. (Someone small.) Yes, Betsy. Please come up and help me out here. I know he is a little scary but I’d like you to stand next to Bill here. I’m going to dress you up like a servant who helps people. Here is a towel you can hold. That’s for washing peoples feet, washing dishes, drying someone’s tears etc. You can hold this plate in the other hand. You could use it for carrying food to someone who is hungry or carry glasses of water for those who are thirsty.
(To the congregation / group) Here is my question for today. Which of these two people is the greatest? Bill or Betsy? Most people think Bill is the greatest. However, Jesus said it is the servant (Betsy) who is the greatest of all. (If Bill is on the ball, he will be shocked and horrified.) In our bible reading from Matthew chapter 23 Jesus said that it was the one who served others who was the greatest. God sees things much differently than most people. In God’s eyes, the servant who shows love to others is truly the greatest.
Prayer: Dear God, help us to know true greatness by learning to serve and love others. In Jesus’ name – Amen!
Copyright 2011 Andrew Hewlett   Feel free to use this on Sunday morning but please give credit to Sundaychildrensfocus and consider linking to this site. Thanks. A.H.
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Children's talk for Sunday School - Jesus the Cornerstone: The stone the builders rejected

Lectionary: Matt 21:33-46       - For Jr. Youth, Sunday School or Children's church

Children’s Bible message – idea: Make a small tower out of building blocks or books. Explain the importance of the foundational “cornerstones” at the base of your structure. Discuss what might happen if blocks are removed. Ask them what would happen if one of your most important “cornerstones” were removed. Pull out one of these blocks making the structure fall. Explain how the bible says Jesus is like a “cornerstone.” Some people felt he was not needed but we know that he is the most important of all.
(Comment: Scholars are unsure whether this stone is a capstone at the top of an arch, a traditional cornerstone or the locking capstone at the top of intersecting walls. Whatever is the right interpretation the basic message is the same.)
Object lesson items: Building blocks, boxes or Hymns books. Place 3 or 4 key “stones” at the bottom of the structure so that your building will fall if one is removed.
Complete Children’s Sermon: Good morning children! Look what I have in this box this morning. Do you know what these are? Right! They are building blocks. When I was young, I used to love building things with blocks like these. Let’s make a building this morning. (Start by making the appropriate foundation and then ask the children to help you build the structure.) Please give me a hand. Thank you for helping. It’s looking like a nice building. Let’s make it nice and tall. Now, what would happen if I took one of these blocks of the very top? That’s right. I don’t think it would matter that much. Do you see these “stones” at the bottom? These are “cornerstones.” They are very important. What do you think will happen if I removed one of these cornerstones? Hmmm. Let’s find out. I’m going to take out this one and throw it away. (Let the building crash to the ground.) Wow! That was not a very good idea. It really came crashing to the ground. The cornerstone(s) is the most important stone of the whole building. Our bible reading today says that Jesus is like a cornerstone that the builders decided to throw away. However, that wasn’t very smart because Jesus was the most important “stone” of all. If we try, build our lives or a church without Jesus it will probably end up like this building here. So always remember to make Jesus the most important part of your life.
Children’s Prayer: Dear God. Thank you for sending Jesus to be like a strong cornerstone on which we can build our lives. In Jesus’ name – Amen!
Copyright 2011 Andrew Hewlett - Feel free to use this lesson at your Sunday service but please give credit to and consider linking your web page to this site. Thank you. A.H.

The Greatest Command – Love God and Love your neighbour   Matt 22: 34-46 or Mark 12:28-34

Idea for Youth group talk or Children’s sermon:   
Show the children a “Guinness book of world records.” Ask them is they know what is the greatest
(fill in the blank) in the world. Test them on some fun facts about greatness. Explain how the religious teachers tested Jesus by asking him what was the greatest commandment of all. Discuss with the children how Jesus said the greatest command of all was to love God and to love others.
Object lesson items: A Guinness book of world records. (Ask families who have children. This is a popular book. You can also find it at the library.)
Children’s sermon / Sunday school lesson introduction:
Good morning children! I’m going to show you a very interesting book I have here this morning. It’s called the “Guinness book of world records.” Have you heard of this book? It is full of world record holders. It lists the greatest athlete in the world, the greatest hamburger, the greatest painter, and the greatest roller skater. (Show some pictures to the children and have some fun. Then ask them some “test” questions about greatness.) Who do you think is the greatest singer of all time? What is the greatest rock and roll band of all time?
(You might even mention that the Bible is mentioned as the best selling book of all time.)
Today’s bible reading from the gospel of Matthew tells how the religious leaders asked a “test” question to Jesus. They asked him what was the greatest commandment of all. Of course, Jesus knew the answer! He said that the greatest commandment was to “love God and to love others.”  He said that the whole message of their bible (the Law and the Prophets) was about the importance of loving God and loving others. That is important for us to know too. It’s nice to know who is the greatest hockey player, what is the greatest country in the world and what is the greatest book in the world. Yet, it is most important that we know the greatest commandment is to love God and love others.  
Children’s prayer: Dear God, Jesus taught that the greatest command of all. With the help of your Holy Spirit help us to obey this command to truly love you and to love others. In Jesus’ name – Amen!

Copyright 2011 Andrew Hewlett  Feel free to use this Sunday morning but please give credit to Sundaychildrensfocus and consider linking to the web site.  Thank you!  A.H.

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