Jesus can calm the wind and the waves

Kids Sermon: Jesus Calms the Storm -- (He can also calm the storms of life)

Mark  4:35- 41     Even the Wind and Waves obey him:     "Peace,  be still "

Children’s sermon idea: Sunday School or Children's Church:  Demonstrate how Jesus was able to calm the storm. Get the congregation to violently wave their hands, making the sound of wind. Ask the children to imagine being in a boat at sea. In a loud voice call out “PEACE – BE STILL” showing how Jesus had power over the wind and the waves.
Object lesson props: None   Jesus calms the storm
Full Kids Sermon: Good morning children! In our bible reading today the disciples learned that Jesus had power over the wind and the waves. The disciples were out on the sea when a huge storm came up. There were terrified when they saw the big waves and heard the sound of the wind. Then they woke up Jesus. He told the wind and the waves to calm down and right away, the storm stopped. They were amazed at his power – the power of God!
Let’s act this out to see what it was like. You can pretend you are the disciples sitting in the boat. The people out there in the congregation will be the wind and the waves. Let’s practice a bit. Members of the congregation, please make the sound of a violent wind. That’s great. Now let’s add some waves to that. We will do it again but wave your hands in the air like waves in a storm. Wow, that looks like a scary storm. Now kids, when you see the wind and the waves pretend to be very scared. I will pretend to be Jesus commanding the storm to be still. OK, we are about to start. Kids, pretend you are rowing a boat on the Sea of Galilee. Great! Now let’s have the storm start. Good. Louder still. Bigger waves. (Egg them on a bit). When the disciples saw the waves they were terrified. (Gesture to the children to look terrified.) Now just when the disciples thought they might drown they woke up Jesus. He stood up and said, “Peace, be still!” (The congregation will understand they are to stop.) As soon as Jesus said those words, the storm stopped and the disciples were relieved (whew!) They were so amazed that Jesus could command the wind and the waves. They were learning the Jesus was no ordinary person; he had the power of God!
Children’s prayer: Dear God, it’s wonderful that Jesus had all the power in the world. Help us to trust Jesus and follow him so we can know his amazing power and his amazing love. In Jesus’ name – Amen!
Copyright 2012   Andrew Hewlett Feel free to use this story on Sunday but please give credit to SundayChildrensFocus and consider linking to this site. Thank you – A.H.

Valentines Day Children's Sermon   

Children’s Sermon idea for Valentines Day / Sunday: Show the children how to say “I love you” in sign language. (One handed (see above) or Point to yourself (I), Cross your arms across your chest (Love) and then point to the other person (You). Show them a cut out paper heart with the words “I love you” written inside. Explain how we could also give a Valentines heart to people as a way of telling them we love them.

Remind them how God showed his love by sending us his son Jesus. Remind them that it is important to tell people closed to us that we love them.
-- (You might also want to tell them about Saint Valentine who demonstrated his love by helping people who were being persecuted for their faith in Jesus.)
Or....try this Valentines Day kids sermon
Object lesson items: A red paper valentines heart (with the words “I love you.”)
Full Valentines Day message: Good morning children! What special day does this heart remind you of? That’s right- Valentines Day. Saint Valentine was a real person who showed his wonderful love by helping people in need. Valentines Day is a great day to tell people how much we care about them and love them. This morning I want to show you a very interesting way of saying, “I love you.” I’ll show you how to say “I love you” in sign language. (Get the children to copy the hand motions for “I love you.” You could also show them the one handed method (Hand outstretched with 2 middle finger folded down.) What are some other ways we can tell people we love them? (Discuss the importance of demonstrating love and telling people with love them.) Those are all very good ideas. (Hold up a red paper heart) When I was young we would sometimes hand out red Valentines Day hearts to people. It was a simple way of telling people how much we cared about them. Do you see these words here? This says, “I love you.” There are many ways of showing people our love. Valentines Day is a good day to tell people and show people we love them. God showed his love to us by sending his son Jesus. It’s important that we pass on that love to others too.
Children’s Prayer: Thank you for St. Valentine who showed his love by helping people in need. Help us to show love to others by our words and by our actions. In Jesus’ name – Amen!
(Please overlook typos and other grammatical mistakes. It’s almost midnight and I can barely keep my eyes open!)
Copyright 2012 

Children' Sermon for Advent: Prepare the way of the Lord

 Advent3 John1  John the Baptist - Make straight paths    (Can also be used in Lent_

Advent Sermon for kids: Before the children come down the isle to the front of the church place chairs, music stands, and other available paraphernalia in the isle so that it is difficult for them make their way up. Discuss with the children how this is unwelcoming. Explain how John the Baptist wanted to the people to “prepare the way” and “make straight paths” for the coming of Jesus. Discuss how we can prepare our hearts and clear out any clutter in our lives in order to be welcoming to Jesus Christ.
(As part of the teaching you could ask the Children to “prepare the way” and make a straight path by removing the clutter in the isle.)
Advent Object lesson props: Movable chairs, benches or music stands that can be quickly set up to block access down the church isle.
Full Children’s Sermon: Good morning children! Wow. You were a little slower getting up to the front this Sunday. Why did it take you so long? (Let them respond.) I don’t know where all that stuff came from. It made it very difficult for you to get up here. It is certainly not very welcoming. Will you help me straighten out the path and move this stuff? When people come forward to read from the bible or for receiving communion, we want them to feel welcomed. Thank you very much. This morning our Advent bible reading is about John the Baptist. The bible says that he came to help people “Prepare the way” and “make straight paths” for the coming of Jesus. He wasn’t really talking about moving chairs and music stands out of the way. He wanted the people to know that they needed prepared the way in their hearts. He wanted the people to clear out selfishness, pride, and hatred so that their lives would be welcoming to Jesus. We want to do that too. As we look forward to Christmas we want our lives to be welcoming to Jesus. We can ask God to help us with this in prayer.
Children’s Prayer: Dear God, please forgive us for the ways that we have cluttered up our lives with sin (Example: Just doing what we want to do and not showing love and kindness to others). Please forgive us and help us to live lives welcoming to your Son Jesus. In Jesus’ name – Amen!

Copyright 2011 Sundaychildrensfocus  Andrew Hewlett     PS Please "Like" this page, share a link or do whatever you can to support this site. Thank you!  

Children's sermon on Evangelism - Bringing others to Jesus
John 1: 46 “Come and See” said Philip.  

 come and see
Children’s sermon idea:
In one of your church side rooms hide a person (special church guest) or special item (cake, beautiful banner, etc.)  Do your best to describe to the children that special person or object that is hidden away. Finally suggest that the only real way to find out is to follow you and to “come and see” for themselves. Then tell them about how Philip said, “Come and see” to Nathanael and then took him to Jesus. Suggest that we can encourage others to “come and see” about Jesus and his love. (You could suggest that bringing people to church would be a good way of letting them know about Jesus and his family.)
Kids' sermon: Good morning children! This morning I want to tell you about my special friend Jonathan. He is here in this church building this morning. We went to high school together. He was a very good soccer player. He is about this high. His hair is brown. You would really enjoy getting to know him. (Give some other details.) So, I think you know my friend Jonathan now. Is that true? Do you know him now? What would be the best way to get to know him? That’s right, to meet him face to face! Here is the best way to get to know Jonathan. Please stand up. Now, “COME AND SEE.” Follow me, and I’ll take to meet Jonathan. (Take the children by the hand to where your friend is.)
(Debrief back at the front of the church.) In our bible reading today from the Gospel of John, Philip said to his friend Nathanael “Come and see” Jesus. Then he took Nathanael to meet Jesus. God wants us to bring people to Jesus too. We can’t see Jesus with our eyes but we know he is here with us this morning. If our friends don’t know about Jesus we could invite them to church. We are part of the family of God and this is a good place where they could learn about Jesus and his love.  
Children's Prayer: Dear God. We know there are many people who don’t know about Jesus and his love. Thank you that we can say, “come and see” and invite them to our church where they can see and know his love. In Jesus’ name – Amen!
(Argh! – It’s a little choppy but I’ll post this now anyways!)

Copyright 2012  Feel free to use this on Sunday but please give credit to SundaychildrensFocus and consider linking to this site.  Blessings, A.H.

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